Monday, March 25, 2024

Fairy tales, indeed


 David Rice seems to have found that it's a fairy tale to believe your school is not infected with gender ideology. Go here to see the video...and how it was edited to exclude the transgender "Mama Bear."

Just like the Christian County Library is infected with gender ideology books for tots, so apparently the Nixa Early Childhood Education Center has its own problem with normalizing this dangerous ideology.

From the article: "Nixa Public Schools is editing videos to hide their support of Transexual ideas in their Early Childhood Education Center."

Parents, do not stand for it. I would highly suggest querying the candidates for school board before April 2, 2024's vote. Ask them if gender ideology should be promoted in the Early Childhood Education Center. Ask them how they would handle this situation. Ask them how they will prevent it from happening again.

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