Sunday, January 7, 2024

Harvard's Black Swan Event Has Huge Implications For Diversity, Inclusion, Equity

 That Harvard's plagiarist President Claudine Gay was forced to resign in order to stop the credibility bleed at the university, is great news for local government schools. What happens at the university level percolates down to the K-12 educational institutions, as well as business.

DIE, or DEI has been implemented in our local Christian County Schools. Administrators and school boards should expect to be held accountable for its implementation. It's one reason why there is chaos in our schools, whether it is how testing is done, how students are disciplined, how they are taught to feel about themselves and others, and so on. 

On X, Bill Ackman, the CEO of Pershing Square, wrote a post about it. He said in part, "But as we all know, our higher education system (HES) is critically important as it can affect and influence the minds of our younger generations, thereby profoundly impacting the lives of all of us. The HES can affect what’s taught to toddlers and what is taught in elementary and high schools, as ed schools train the next generation of teachers and superintendents, and design the curricula they teach. The HES can convince a generation that some of us are oppressors, and others are the oppressed, and provide justifications for what kinds and what degree of violence and terrorism are appropriate tools to address this perceived oppression. The HES can affect our medical establishments and the ethics of medicine, e.g., some of our most controversial procedures and medicines, and the advisability of their use on children, and so on. You get the point, I am sure."

In the short video below, Ayaan Hirsi Ali also discusses how Diversity Inclusion, and Equity can affect local schools, and how important it is that this pernicious agenda be destroyed. The Harvard Black Swan Event is also our opportunity to divest our local schools of DIE. Watch:

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