Showing posts with label MLA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MLA. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Get the ALA/MLA out of our libraries

By Gretchen Garrity

In the tweet below, the woman to the left of American Library Association President Emily Drabinski is Otter Bowman, a past president and current board member of the Missouri Library Association (MLA). Very cozy. Don't believe anything about how Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft is keeping public libraries safe for children. It's all for show.

According to Ashcroft for Missouri, "The Secretary of State oversees the state’s public libraries and archives, and I established new rules to protect children from inappropriate material in these taxpayer-funded institutions." Well, let's see how that panned out in Christian County. Presented is a very small sample of what can be found in our public libraries now. The focus on minor children is telling. You can read more HERE and HERE.

Check out The Prince and the Dressmaker, currently two copies reside in the section for ages 12-17 at the Ozark branch of the Christian County Library. Another one is Captain Underpants and the sensational saga of Sir Stinks-a-Lot, copies of which are in Nixa and Sparta. Check out Chapter 22, the first paragraph. It's for kids ages 7-10. One small line of indoctrination. That's how they are doing it. Book after book after book, in YOUR library, waiting for YOUR children.

All Boys Aren't Blue resides in the biography sections of Clever, Nixa, and Ozark. They call it the Young Adult section, but it's geared to kids ages 12-17. It's Perfectly Normal has a home in the non-fiction Young Adult section (ages 12-17) at Nixa. Guess what they tell kids is perfectly normal?

Here's a letter to a Missouri school board from the MLA, lamenting that the board is carefully reviewing and sometimes removing or restricting books that are deemed inappropriate for children. A state chapter organization of the national ALA wants to tell local communities what they can and cannot place in their school libraries.

Intellectual freedom isn't "freedom" to be unknowingly indoctrinated at early ages. It's enslavement.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Funding our own demise

From: WLA, an alternative to the ALA

 By Gretchen Garrity 

Taxpayers--citizens of Christian County--are unknowingly funding the American Library Association's advocacy for overthrowing our nation. Our local library, the Christian County Library, has sent Executive Director Renee Brumett, to an Ohio ALA conference this week that...well, let them speak for themselves.

 Dan Kleinman of the World Library Association details the facts. I've drawn shamelessly from his article.  Read his article (and do read the whole thing, there's lots of similar quotes from the main speakers):
"So the "Big Ideas" for public librarians to learn on the public's dime are anticapitalism, with a side helping of racism and hate.  This is what librarians are learning as Big Ideas to kick off their day at an ALA conference with an inspiring speaker sure to challenge their minds and spark their creativity.  Then they come back to the local communities and implement the anticapitalism and racism and hate they just learned.  All taxpayer funded.  All of it.  Memberships, conferences, travel, meals, incidentals, all of it."
The PLA, Public Library Association, IS the ALA.

Now do you see why citizens have been petitioning the CCL for over a year to no avail? When your librarians and a majority of board members are activists, courtesy of the Marxist ALA, you will get nowhere with an appeal to decency, child protection, and community values.

When the library budgets $30,000 for staff and board travel, not to mention thousands for "training" and whatever else they have stuffed into the budget under innocuous sounding categories, it's time for a review.

And it is long past time for the CCL to sever any and all ties with the American Library Association and its chapter member, The Missouri Library Association. There are alternatives to the Marxist ALA such as Kleinman's WLA.

Friday, February 9, 2024

See What the Missouri Library Association is Up To

From Missouri Library Association
 David Rice has written an excellent Substack post about the Missouri Library Association (MLA) and its lobbying efforts in Jefferson City earlier this week.

The method to their madness is similar to organizations like the Missouri School Boards Association (MSBA), in which their advocacy positions are often antithetical to freedom, parental rights, etc.

Rice says, "Missouri Librarians descended on Jefferson City on Tuesday, Feb. 6th, 24, to have morning Unity meetings and then go lobby (harass) public officials. Their purpose is laid bare in their agendas and their priorities.

They were against Free Speech, the 2nd Amendment, Protecting Children, lowering taxes, changing their Fiscal Year and elections, and Limiting their Power. The one bill they supported would make it illegal for libraries to remove books from their collection. As I point out below, they don’t even expect this bill to pass."

Read the whole thing. Rice includes a list of bills currently in the legislature that citizens will want to read. Keep in mind that the MLA is a chapter of the American Library Association (ALA)...that hard Left organization that is beginning a slow retreat from its Marxist President Emily Drabinski.

Citizen participation is vital. The next Christian County Library Board of Trustee meeting is scheduled for February 27.