Showing posts with label ALA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ALA. Show all posts

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Queer Equals Marxist



 By Gretchen Garrity 

Gays Against Groomers interviewed James Lindsay about the underlying meaning of Queer--one of the letters in the LGBTQA+ acronym. Lindsay has co-authored a book, "The Queering of the American Child," that explains the political goals of Queer Theory. Early in the interview, Lindsay tells us that the Q letter in LGBTQA+ is "hiding behind the other letters...and is using the LGBT (but not Transgender) as human shields." Fascinating information, and important to know as our local library has numerous books (see them below the videos) that push this indoctrination on children.


Incidentally, the American Library Association's former president, Emily Drabinski, wrote an academic paper titled, "Queering the Catalog: Queer Theory and the Politics of Correction." 

Queer equals Marxist. It is revolution in our libraries to destabilize families, the better to overcome our culture, and ultimately our nation. Watch below:

Doing a keyword search for "queer," the following books pop up in the Christian County Library system.

Queer ducks (and other animals) : the natural world of animal sexuality

Queen's English (Young Readers' adaptation)

Ash's Cabin


Other Ever Afters: New Queer Fairy Tales

Love that story : observations from a gorgeously queer life

Gender Queer

Real queer America : LGBT stories from red states

Queer : the ultimate LGBT guide for teens

The New Queer Conscience

The Queer Bible: Essays

Queer and fearless


Saturday, August 31, 2024

It's About Local Control

By Gretchen Garrity 


“So Chicago wants to retain control of Nixa.” -- Dan Kleinman


The Christian County Library Board of Trustees has made a first move to restore trust and repair relations with the public. After nearly two years of refusal to engage the issue of sexually explicit and vulgar books being placed in the children and teen sections of the library, the board has voted to replace President Allyson Tuckness and to expand citizens’ ability to publicly comment.

You can see the motion, discussion and vote here beginning at the 50:40 minute mark:

 The board action to replace Tuckness caused an immediate reaction from not only opponents in the audience, but with a local progressive group, U-Turn in Education, and national groups like Every Library, a group associated with the American Library Association (which is based in Chicago), as well as the organization Book Riot.


A reporter was also present at the library, Susan Wade, who wrote a story for the Springfield Daily Citizen HERE. The board did NOT vote “to implement a system of placing stickers on books...” as the article states. 

The board voted to have Executive Director Renee Brumett provide a list of LGBTQ+ subject headings from the Library of Congress catalog system, and potential book spine labels used by library vendors. The approved motion also requested that books already challenged be included with subject headings on the list Brumett will provide.

The board is researching the feasibility of a labeling system, it has not implemented one. Though the library does currently already use ratings for patron awareness of subject matters including genres and categorizations, this would not be a net new system change for them. More detail below.


There is a small but vocal and active group of locals who have opposed any changes within the county library system. They are composed of mostly progressives who are invested in a political ideology that is contrary to Christian County’s community values. Some of them have connections with larger organizations whose ultimate goal is to overturn the existing cultural and political order.


Reaction from: Book Riot

Here is how they work. The large and well-funded national organizations find and fund small local groups, who are activated when their political and social hegemony in schools and libraries are threatened. These small groups (like U-Turn in Education, headed by local professor and activist Elizabeth Dudash-Buskirk) call on the larger organizations for help when needed. Name-calling commences. The press is activated. Petitions are drawn up. Lies are spread. Lawsuits are commenced. 

It's how they operate. But once you see it, you can't unsee it. This is exactly what happened almost immediately after the August 27, 2024 board of trustee meeting.

Here is the petition from Fight For the First.

Here are the lies: "Not only were the actions on August 7th in violation of the bylaws, the illegal move also irresponsibly leaves the library without proper signing authorities on the bank account."


Did the board of trustees violate their by-laws by voting in a new slate of officers? The by-laws state that board officers are elected in December. But there is nothing to exclude electing officers at other times of the year, as appropriate. Hence, at the July 2023 board of trustee meeting, a president, vice-president, and treasurer were all elected. In December of 2023, when the regular election happened, the same slate was merely re-affirmed.

Since board appointments happen in July, there is often an officer shuffle. So, elections happen at other times of the year as needed and appropriate. No one seemed concerned about check signing when a new board member was appointed last July as treasurer.

 At the end of the Tuesday slate election on August 27, the executive director was (~ minute 56:40) asked to confirm if there would be a negative impact on the ability to have checks promptly signed as was implied (~ minute 51:15).  She was not immediately aware of any concerns but would research to be sure. 

The following Friday, August 30, the check signing process continued as normal (weekly signing had been occurring weekly on that day) without interruption. So instead of a question being asked of whether there might be an impact to financial operations to ensure they were not disrupted, false statements were made and have been found to be untrue.


Horrors: A sticker

At the board meeting, one individual, Amy Hoogstraet, professed horror at the thought of labeling books with identifying stickers. You can see her speak during the public comment of the meeting video above.

This is an interesting angle, since the library itself advertises LGBTQ+ books with stickers as demonstrated below, and other identifying information. In fact, the library proudly displays books with such themes.

Another sticker
 Libraries have often identified Christian-themed books with dove stickers. There were stickers that identified mystery books, too. And books that have been honored by one organization or another. This is not new, and it is not discriminatory.

Pronoun buttons to wear seen at the CCL

 The issue is not stickers. The issue is the push to impose an agenda on children beginning as young as 0-2 years of age. The library has hundreds of books with age-inappropriate themes of sexuality, gender ideology, Critical Race Theory, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion indoctrination, and so on.

Hyped up reaction

This indoctrination is harming children, whose parents often have no idea of what is happening in their schools or what books are being laced into the libraries. Even large book publishers are getting in the local fight because it affects their bottom line. Without a pipeline from publisher to schools and libraries, it is likely many of these books would not be published and pushed on children.

Using arguments like "book banning," privacy rights, access, uncertain case law, and "free speech" these activists work in concert with local libraries and others to keep control over the content of library collections. And they are bent on selling an agenda that most people do not want their children exposed to before they are emotionally and physically capable of handling such content.

As an aside, many libraries are engaged in weeding out classic books that build character, have immense literary quality, and reinforce timeless values. You can count on one hand the number of complete Christian Scriptures in the Christian County Library's four branches. This is not a mistake.

The threat of lawsuits begins

 As the furor grows regarding the audacity of a board to reassert local control of its library, it is helpful to take with a grain of salt what activists, the media and national organizations are saying about the situation. Come to the library meetings and see for yourself what is actually happening. You might be surprised to see it is quite different than its portrayal by progressive activists.

Meetings happen on the fourth Tuesday of each month, but note November and December meeting dates are different, so always check the website here to confirm. Next month's meeting is September 24, 2024, at 6 p.m. in Nixa.

Note: In the interests of full disclosure, I am related to John Garrity, the newest board member of the library board of trustees.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Libraries are Pursuing Your Daughters

 David Rice of Hick Christian shares what our libraries are up far as the continuous sexualization and demoralization of our culture. If only we could wake them up to what groups like the American Library Association and the Missouri Library Association are pushing.  The ALA and MLA are not organizations that promote actual reading skills, quality literature, and community cohesiveness. They push "literacy" in things like DEI, SEL, CRT, and so on. They push to divide us into siloed groups so they can further destroy the cohesiveness of our community's values.

The preponderance of books in many libraries are often recent fiction with little literary value. Librarians "weed" out classics that were published years ago. It deprives us our literary and cultural heritage, but that's the point.

Here you go:

Christian County Library is a threat to your Daughters by David Rice

Why Does the Christian County Library want to Empower your Daughters to be Murderers, Gay, or Overly Sexualized?

Read on Substack

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Get the ALA/MLA out of our libraries

By Gretchen Garrity

In the tweet below, the woman to the left of American Library Association President Emily Drabinski is Otter Bowman, a past president and current board member of the Missouri Library Association (MLA). Very cozy. Don't believe anything about how Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft is keeping public libraries safe for children. It's all for show.

According to Ashcroft for Missouri, "The Secretary of State oversees the state’s public libraries and archives, and I established new rules to protect children from inappropriate material in these taxpayer-funded institutions." Well, let's see how that panned out in Christian County. Presented is a very small sample of what can be found in our public libraries now. The focus on minor children is telling. You can read more HERE and HERE.

Check out The Prince and the Dressmaker, currently two copies reside in the section for ages 12-17 at the Ozark branch of the Christian County Library. Another one is Captain Underpants and the sensational saga of Sir Stinks-a-Lot, copies of which are in Nixa and Sparta. Check out Chapter 22, the first paragraph. It's for kids ages 7-10. One small line of indoctrination. That's how they are doing it. Book after book after book, in YOUR library, waiting for YOUR children.

All Boys Aren't Blue resides in the biography sections of Clever, Nixa, and Ozark. They call it the Young Adult section, but it's geared to kids ages 12-17. It's Perfectly Normal has a home in the non-fiction Young Adult section (ages 12-17) at Nixa. Guess what they tell kids is perfectly normal?

Here's a letter to a Missouri school board from the MLA, lamenting that the board is carefully reviewing and sometimes removing or restricting books that are deemed inappropriate for children. A state chapter organization of the national ALA wants to tell local communities what they can and cannot place in their school libraries.

Intellectual freedom isn't "freedom" to be unknowingly indoctrinated at early ages. It's enslavement.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Censorship Betrays Weakness




By Gretchen Garrity

Very early this morning, my blog post titled "Stealth Groomer Books in the Library" was removed by The post was flagged. Perhaps it was the word "groomer" or "gentle grooming" that Blogger objected to. Perhaps it was the American Library Association or one of its minions who complained. Perhaps it was Christian County library staff. Perhaps it was the authors of the two books I featured, or the folks at the COOLcat catalog.


Whoever was behind the censorship betrayed a great weakness. They cannot fight the truth, so they must suppress it. Exposing books that harm children is considered Hate Speech. And yet, here is Blogger's guidelines on content that is harmful to children:

"More broadly, Google prohibits the use of our products to endanger children. This includes but is not limited to predatory behavior towards children such as:

  • ‘Child grooming’ (for example, befriending a child online to facilitate, either online or offline, sexual contact and/or exchanging sexual imagery with that child);
  • ‘Sextortion’ (for example, threatening or blackmailing a child by using real or alleged access to a child’s intimate images);
  • Sexualization of a minor (for example, imagery that depicts, encourages or promotes the sexual abuse of children or the portrayal of children in a manner that could result in the sexual exploitation of children); and
  • Trafficking of a child (for example, advertising or solicitation of a child for commercial sexual exploitation)."

 How does that square with Blogger's hate speech policy here:

"Hate speech is content that promotes or condones violence against or has the primary purpose of inciting hatred against an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or any other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization."

My article objected to the sexualization of children through books that push the LGBTQ agenda and are marketed to minors. Blogger is speaking out of both sides of its content policy.


But I have a mustard seed, and I know how to use it. 

This post will be cross-posted at Hick Christian. Also, it is likely that Right to Win Ozarks will be deleted. However, we have contingency plans and you will be able to find us again soon if the blog is deleted.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Funding our own demise

From: WLA, an alternative to the ALA

 By Gretchen Garrity 

Taxpayers--citizens of Christian County--are unknowingly funding the American Library Association's advocacy for overthrowing our nation. Our local library, the Christian County Library, has sent Executive Director Renee Brumett, to an Ohio ALA conference this week that...well, let them speak for themselves.

 Dan Kleinman of the World Library Association details the facts. I've drawn shamelessly from his article.  Read his article (and do read the whole thing, there's lots of similar quotes from the main speakers):
"So the "Big Ideas" for public librarians to learn on the public's dime are anticapitalism, with a side helping of racism and hate.  This is what librarians are learning as Big Ideas to kick off their day at an ALA conference with an inspiring speaker sure to challenge their minds and spark their creativity.  Then they come back to the local communities and implement the anticapitalism and racism and hate they just learned.  All taxpayer funded.  All of it.  Memberships, conferences, travel, meals, incidentals, all of it."
The PLA, Public Library Association, IS the ALA.

Now do you see why citizens have been petitioning the CCL for over a year to no avail? When your librarians and a majority of board members are activists, courtesy of the Marxist ALA, you will get nowhere with an appeal to decency, child protection, and community values.

When the library budgets $30,000 for staff and board travel, not to mention thousands for "training" and whatever else they have stuffed into the budget under innocuous sounding categories, it's time for a review.

And it is long past time for the CCL to sever any and all ties with the American Library Association and its chapter member, The Missouri Library Association. There are alternatives to the Marxist ALA such as Kleinman's WLA.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

It's All Connected

From: EveryLibrary

By Gretchen Garrity

 The intrepid Dan Kleinman, founder of the World Library Association and author of the blog Safe Libraries, has exposed yet another aspect of how the American Library Association (ALA) and its sister organizations like EveryLibrary reach into local communities to undermine their values and indoctrinate children.

Their latest effort is called "Fight for the First!" which is designed to get activists, students, and citizens behind an effort to "protect" the First Amendment. To the ALA, the First Amendment means that children have the right to read smut. They have the right to find it all over the shelves of the children's section. They have a right to have it hanging it out in the teen section like little mental bombs to confuse children and deprive parents of their rights to curate what their children see, and when they see it.

According to Kleinman:

"You know, if ALA is bribing local acolytes with money to affect local political issues, shouldn't the public be able to obtain Freedom of Information Act requests from ALA, FTRF, EveryLibrary even if they aren't government bodies?  It's Sunshine Week, so I'm asking.  Anyone know?  All this money is being spent to sway public law.  Isn't the public entitled to see this?

Nowadays the method of bribery (but not the bribes themselves) is out in the open, and its detailed.  Money.  Consulting.  Online fundraising tools.  Media attention.  Training and resources "that you need to win."  And by "win," ALA means the community loses.  All free.  
It's all a fake facade, all astroturf.  'Nearly 100 communities have launched campaigns against book bans.'  Click on the links in the ALA/EveryLibrary tweets to see if your own community has been corrupted with ALA bribery.  Mine has."
Go here to read it all and see what kind of support is given to local activists to usurp our community institutions: ALA Details Bribes to Convince Governments to Sell Out Children

And what do you know, Christian County has its own start up group, The Nixa First Amendment Defense Group, aka U-turn in Education:
From: Fight for the First

U-turn in Education has been very active in opposing the relocating of materials unsuitable for children out of both the public library and local school libraries. In fact, the name of the individual who has signed on to "Fight for the First!" is a local parent affiliated with U-Turn in Education. She was quoted in 2022 in a News-leader article:
"Jeanne Coburn, a parent and part of the U-Turn group, said she supports parents being actively involved in schools and the education of the their children. But, she resents parents pushing to restrict or remove books from an entire library.

"It's a parent's right to decide what their children are exposed to," Coburn said. "But it's not some (other) parent's right to decide what my child is going to be exposed to.", Coburn doesn't understand that placing explicit, vulgar, and other such books in a school or public library IS giving others the right to expose your child to them. None of these books are banned. They are widely available elsewhere. Parents have a reasonable expectation that a taxpayer institution will follow community standards and leave such books to parental guidance on their own time and their own dime.


The ALA has thrown everything into the "Free Speech" bucket. Granted, it gets traction with unaware citizens. However, there are enough activated community members in many areas who understand the lies inherent in the ALA agenda.

It has nothing to do with free speech. It has everything to do with the Marxist fist you see in the tweets linked in Kleinman's article. If the ALA and its allies in libraries cannot get their agendas into the hands of children, they won't get the revolution they are seeking.

Demoralizing children and youth is a feature, not a bug. If it wasn't a huge deal to the Marxists, they wouldn't be pushing so hard to make sure Critical Theory and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion brainwashing is in the schools and public libraries.

The dots all connect. This is a top-down operation that citizens in Christian County are experiencing. Why did RTWO receive a mountain of gibberish data when requesting public information about communication between the ALA and its subsidiaries and the Christian County Library last year?


@right2winozarks Its funny because its true. Wake up people. #christianitytiktok #christiancountymo #librarytiktok #freedomofinformationact #sunshinelaw #freedomofinformationrequest #transparency #willscharf #localpoliticsmatter #grassroots #ToGodbetheglory #library #twitter #thematrix #redpilltiktok #redpilledamerica #patriots ♬ Wake Up (From "The Matrix" - Soundtrack Wonder Band

Friday, February 9, 2024

See What the Missouri Library Association is Up To

From Missouri Library Association
 David Rice has written an excellent Substack post about the Missouri Library Association (MLA) and its lobbying efforts in Jefferson City earlier this week.

The method to their madness is similar to organizations like the Missouri School Boards Association (MSBA), in which their advocacy positions are often antithetical to freedom, parental rights, etc.

Rice says, "Missouri Librarians descended on Jefferson City on Tuesday, Feb. 6th, 24, to have morning Unity meetings and then go lobby (harass) public officials. Their purpose is laid bare in their agendas and their priorities.

They were against Free Speech, the 2nd Amendment, Protecting Children, lowering taxes, changing their Fiscal Year and elections, and Limiting their Power. The one bill they supported would make it illegal for libraries to remove books from their collection. As I point out below, they don’t even expect this bill to pass."

Read the whole thing. Rice includes a list of bills currently in the legislature that citizens will want to read. Keep in mind that the MLA is a chapter of the American Library Association (ALA)...that hard Left organization that is beginning a slow retreat from its Marxist President Emily Drabinski.

Citizen participation is vital. The next Christian County Library Board of Trustee meeting is scheduled for February 27.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

M.E.R.R.I. and Bright at the Library


Right to Win Ozarks has produced an online resource for citizens who want more information about the issues in our local libraries. It includes background information, resources, and positive steps for bringing change to our library system. 

It would be ideal to share with those who want to get up to speed, are perhaps just now beginning to question, or for those who are currently active in the fight to keep our libraries a safe and welcoming place for children. You can access Mobilizing Educational Resources to Resist Indoctrination (M.E.R.R.I.) here.

While not an exhaustive resource, the MERRI Book is designed to be an educational tool that allows anyone to access as little or as much information as they want. It is meant to be freely shared and we hope it proves to be a helpful aid.