Showing posts with label Polls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polls. Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Missouri Freedom Initiative Livestream at 7:30 p.m.

 The MFI will be doing a postmortem on the Missouri Primary. Lots to talk about. Patrick Holland gives us a taste:

"One of the most interesting aspects of this gubernatorial race were the polls that were released. Now that the election is over, it’s very clear that most of the polling was wrong. Many intelligent people I know actually believed these polls were accurate and some even tried to explain to me how and why the polls were accurate even though it was not reflective of campaign activity. We saw the same deception in 2016. In 2016, the national polls showed Hillary was the favored presidential candidate ALL the way to the actual election, yet Trump won. Many folks back then were scratching their heads wondering how the polls could be so wrong. It’s easy to understand. Polls can be EASILY manipulated – for the sole purpose of manipulating people who watch polls. Who put out these polls? What were the questions asked in the polls? Who paid for the polls? How many people were polled? We’re the people polled even Republican? Very few people asked the questions, many blindly believed. Some folks fall for the manipulated polls EVERY TIME. Why is this important? Because attitudes, activity and strategy changes because of polls. This was the largest part of the deception in the Missouri gubernatorial race. As early as 1 month ago, it was well known by the Kehoe camp that Eigel was literally neck and neck with Kehoe and Ashcroft was a distant 3rd. This knowledge came about through a poll that was paid for by the Missouri Chamber of Commerce that was never publicly released. It wasn’t released because the Chamber was all in for Mike Kehoe and this poll showed that Eigel was MUCH further ahead than the fraudulent polls that had been released on a regular basis before it actually showed. What changed after this poll was conducted? Kehoe dropped all his attacks on Ashcroft and re-directed his attacks and millions of dollars on Eigel and he had PLENTY of help from other PACs and politicians because this was really about keeping an anti-establishment candidate out of the governor’s office. Plans within plans for carving up Missouri’s resources for the WEF were at stake, and the establishment couldn’t gamble with the possibility Kehoe could lose. Kehoe is instrumental to the WEFs plans in Missouri. This is not conspiracy theory, this will become clear as people begin to see 2025 legislation regarding Missouri resources. We saw it in 2024 as well and thankfully, grassroots were on top of this (Lisa Pannette and Isaac) as well as conservative legislators (Bill Eigel, Mike Moon…etc) helped to shut down these bills."

Besides Youtube, you can find the livestream on X (Twitter), Rumble, and Odysee.