Showing posts with label Dan Kleinman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dan Kleinman. Show all posts

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Your Local Library Pushes Gender Ideology on Kids


 Lots of gender ideology books in the Christian County Library are noted HERE. There are many people in Christian County who are fighting this pernicious ideology...everyday citizens and elected officials are making a stand. Do not let your public institutions fall to the death cult.





Tuesday, March 12, 2024

It's All Connected

From: EveryLibrary

By Gretchen Garrity

 The intrepid Dan Kleinman, founder of the World Library Association and author of the blog Safe Libraries, has exposed yet another aspect of how the American Library Association (ALA) and its sister organizations like EveryLibrary reach into local communities to undermine their values and indoctrinate children.

Their latest effort is called "Fight for the First!" which is designed to get activists, students, and citizens behind an effort to "protect" the First Amendment. To the ALA, the First Amendment means that children have the right to read smut. They have the right to find it all over the shelves of the children's section. They have a right to have it hanging it out in the teen section like little mental bombs to confuse children and deprive parents of their rights to curate what their children see, and when they see it.

According to Kleinman:

"You know, if ALA is bribing local acolytes with money to affect local political issues, shouldn't the public be able to obtain Freedom of Information Act requests from ALA, FTRF, EveryLibrary even if they aren't government bodies?  It's Sunshine Week, so I'm asking.  Anyone know?  All this money is being spent to sway public law.  Isn't the public entitled to see this?

Nowadays the method of bribery (but not the bribes themselves) is out in the open, and its detailed.  Money.  Consulting.  Online fundraising tools.  Media attention.  Training and resources "that you need to win."  And by "win," ALA means the community loses.  All free.  
It's all a fake facade, all astroturf.  'Nearly 100 communities have launched campaigns against book bans.'  Click on the links in the ALA/EveryLibrary tweets to see if your own community has been corrupted with ALA bribery.  Mine has."
Go here to read it all and see what kind of support is given to local activists to usurp our community institutions: ALA Details Bribes to Convince Governments to Sell Out Children

And what do you know, Christian County has its own start up group, The Nixa First Amendment Defense Group, aka U-turn in Education:
From: Fight for the First

U-turn in Education has been very active in opposing the relocating of materials unsuitable for children out of both the public library and local school libraries. In fact, the name of the individual who has signed on to "Fight for the First!" is a local parent affiliated with U-Turn in Education. She was quoted in 2022 in a News-leader article:
"Jeanne Coburn, a parent and part of the U-Turn group, said she supports parents being actively involved in schools and the education of the their children. But, she resents parents pushing to restrict or remove books from an entire library.

"It's a parent's right to decide what their children are exposed to," Coburn said. "But it's not some (other) parent's right to decide what my child is going to be exposed to.", Coburn doesn't understand that placing explicit, vulgar, and other such books in a school or public library IS giving others the right to expose your child to them. None of these books are banned. They are widely available elsewhere. Parents have a reasonable expectation that a taxpayer institution will follow community standards and leave such books to parental guidance on their own time and their own dime.


The ALA has thrown everything into the "Free Speech" bucket. Granted, it gets traction with unaware citizens. However, there are enough activated community members in many areas who understand the lies inherent in the ALA agenda.

It has nothing to do with free speech. It has everything to do with the Marxist fist you see in the tweets linked in Kleinman's article. If the ALA and its allies in libraries cannot get their agendas into the hands of children, they won't get the revolution they are seeking.

Demoralizing children and youth is a feature, not a bug. If it wasn't a huge deal to the Marxists, they wouldn't be pushing so hard to make sure Critical Theory and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion brainwashing is in the schools and public libraries.

The dots all connect. This is a top-down operation that citizens in Christian County are experiencing. Why did RTWO receive a mountain of gibberish data when requesting public information about communication between the ALA and its subsidiaries and the Christian County Library last year?


@right2winozarks Its funny because its true. Wake up people. #christianitytiktok #christiancountymo #librarytiktok #freedomofinformationact #sunshinelaw #freedomofinformationrequest #transparency #willscharf #localpoliticsmatter #grassroots #ToGodbetheglory #library #twitter #thematrix #redpilltiktok #redpilledamerica #patriots ♬ Wake Up (From "The Matrix" - Soundtrack Wonder Band

Monday, September 4, 2023

Challenge Results Trickling In


By Gretchen Garrity

The Christian County Library staff has responded to two recent book challenges. Although the challenge responses don't seem to be published on the library's website (as required) the outcome was expected except for a welcome concession regarding placement of displays.

 The first challenged book, "Thirteen Reasons Why," contains depictions of the sexualization of a minor, two rapes, sexual assaults, domestic violence, teen drug and alcohol abuse and suicide, and has been checked out 64 times since 2017. That is a potential of 64 kids who've been introduced to obscene and sexually violent scenarios.

Additionally, there is a popular Netflix series based on the book that may encourage minors whose parents won't allow them to watch the series to find the book at the library.

Further, the reasons given for retaining the book in the teen section of the library is that it is "well-reviewed," "popular," and appropriately located for a book geared toward 12-14 year-olds. 

The full response is below. Click on the image for clarity and size.

The second book challenge was for "Sissy: A Coming of Gender Story."

The book had been placed in a recent display in the Nixa library, in close proximity to the teen section. 

In a concession, the staff response said, "The display this book was on was next to the Adult Fiction collection, which is also near the teen area. The Nixa branch is limited in space, but we understand the concerns about materials being in close proximity to the teen area and confusion over the intended audience. We have reevaluated the location of that display shelf since it typically contains materials from the adult collection and have moved it further from the teen area."

Note the book display below in which "Sissy" was situated (you can see it peeking out from behind "The Bold World" on the middle shelf, also next to the book "Lawn Boy" and "Gender Queer." 

Other books in the display included "Normal People," "Fun Home," and "The Bluest Eye," among others. Several of those books are considered coming-of-age and would appeal to "young adults" and one, Gender Queer, is located in the teen section of the library.


Recent Nixa Library book display.

Activist book displays like the one above, are most likely the brainchild of groups like the American Library Association and its chapters like the Missouri Library Association. These groups, which actively seek to promote sexual and political agendas that are often contrary to local community values, filter down to local libraries through a well-organized narrative that pits parental rights and protecting children against "intellectual freedom" or  "freedom to read."

It's a false narrative. And taxpayer-funded local libraries should not belong to such organizations. A new and better alternative is the World Library Association, which is just getting started, and will serve as a commonsense alternative to radical associations like the ALA.

 And lastly, read WLA's Dan Kleinman's latest article about the plan for libraries to become vectors for socialism. It's straight from ALA President Emily Drabinski's mouth, thanks to undercover journalist Karlyn Borysenko.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

World Library Association Enters the Fray


 By Gretchen Garrity

 Americans are fed up with public and school libraries that promote the early sexualization of children. There are a plethora of books in our public institutions that push gender ideology and the LGBTQ+ agenda from toddlers up through high school. The American Library Association (ALA) and its chapters around the nation are actively supporting and pushing these subversive political agendas, and have been for years.

Citizens are pushing back. Through exposing the political rot and the smut, they've been able to take back their school and library boards. It's an uphill battle, but places like Wyoming and Montana are hope-filled victories.

Dan Kleinman, of Safe Libraries, has paved the way for local citizens to take back their schools and libraries. And, as a counter to the ALA, Kleinman has founded the World Library Association

 According to a press release, "The WLA will foster safe environments for librarians, curate valuable reading materials for children, and maintain a public space that promotes information literacy and political neutrality. It will also provide a comprehensive database of laws and legal cases pertinent to libraries, with a focus on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The WLA will stand with parents in legal battles for defending their children in school libraries, offering financial support and active assistance.

 The WLA is more than a new library association; it's a promise of a brighter future for libraries
across the nation. We're raising hopes, providing free memberships, trainings, and sample
policies that benefit communities nationwide."

The Daily Caller has taken note of the new organization. In the article, Kleinman states, “School policies right now recommend, basically that anything goes and that it’s literally age discrimination to keep a child from any material,” Kleinman told the DCNF. “New policy guidance from the World Library Association is going to recommend that schools follow laws or case laws like Board of Education vs. Pico, a 1982 U.S. Supreme Court case that allows schools to remove educationally unsuitable and pervasively vulgar materials and to do so immediately. So schools now can have books that are for children that comply with common sense, the law and community standards, instead of what’s going on in the news right now.”

The ALA is the head of the snake when it comes to the indoctrination of librarians around the nation. A constant stream of seminars, articles, and resources pour forth into the email boxes of teachers and librarians on a daily basis. A lot of it concentrates on LGBTQ+, gender ideology, Critical Race Theory (CRT), Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI). 

Through a highly developed web of associated organizations, not least of which are the state chapters like the Missouri Library Association (MLA), librarians are trained in how to implement programs that push a political agenda often having little to do with a local community. The ALA runs a top-down organization, which means your local library is unduly influenced by a political agenda that is most likely the antithesis of the community's culture and values.

Barely out of the gates, activist librarians and their supporters are already attacking the WLA. In this article, which tries to sell the narrative that citizens who want to restrict books according to age are evil book banners, we see lawfare implemented. The political extremists are going to fight hard to keep that smut in front of children. They will attack parents and citizens who merely seek to prevent the sexualization of children at schools and libraries.

The Connecticut Centinal has this to say about the new WLA: "Library watchdog Dan Kleinman has just launched the much-needed World Library Association (WLA) to compete with the Marxist-led American Library Association (ALA), which has come under fire most recently for a potential First Amendment violation over its attempt to silence Brave Books, while at the same time promoting highly sexualized "Drag Queen Story Hours" at public libraries across the country."

 BizPac Review has also covered the new WLA.

By providing an alternative to extremist organizations like the ALA, the World Library Association will help local libraries and schools to establish local control. You can follow the WLA on Twitterand here at Dan Kleinman's Twitter, as well as the WLA website.