Showing posts with label Freedom to Read. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freedom to Read. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"You cannot be something you're not"

By Gretchen Garrity

It is imperative that children are protected, both physically and emotionally. Many children with gender dysphoria come from a history of trauma. Children, let alone traumatized children, cannot consent to making such irrevocable changes. That our culture is so bent that publishers, authors, and libraries push ideological books on children as young as toddlers, is shameful and evil. 

Listen to Sam tell his story in the video below. It is heartbreaking. And yet Sam is a testament to the resilience of a soul crying out for truth. Then decide that you will not remain silent while such books are stealthily pushed to our children in our own libraries.

This agenda has nothing to do with the "freedom to read." It is outright diabolical. And there are legions of people who would like nothing better than to get these books into the hands of children. 

Here's a reading list for children. Two titles from that list are in the Christian County Library: I Am Jazz, and The Story of Ferdinand.  Yes, this ideology has usurped a children's classic and made it about sexuality.* There's more in the CCL from another list that also targets minors: Gracefully Grayson, and Some Assembly Required.

God bless and keep Sam. His courage is inspiring.