Showing posts with label Strategic Capitol Consulting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Strategic Capitol Consulting. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Under the Hood of Missouri Politics

Our Team — Strategic Capitol Consulting
Steven Tilley, From:

 David Rice and guest discuss former Speaker of the Missouri House and current lobbyist, Steven Tilley, and his connection to Gov. Mike Parson. Folks, the terms Republican and Democrat have lost meaning beyond their use to control us. They are terms used by politicians to steer citizens into one lane or another in order to effect a political goal. They do not mean what we think they mean.

Citizens need to break free from the deep-seated indoctrination that there are two disparate political parties vying for votes. There is one system that seeks ever greater power, and the two-system party is simply used to keep citizens divided and deceived on the shallowest level. While you may hold conservative values that align with the Republican "platform," and another may hold liberal values that align with a Democrat "platform," the real system, the Uniparty, is taking away our rights and selling our state to moneyed interests.

You, the voter, are the eyewash. You are a convenient hedge to distract the public from the theft of our freedoms and resources and wealth. While we have to work within the subsumed two-party system, that ultimately means working to destroy the Uniparty and getting rid of politicians who work for it and not their constituents.

With that in mind:

 Puppet Master. So much in the article. Here's a taste:

"Steve Tilley has his hands in other gambling in the state, not just the ones in convenience stores. This year, we have an initiative for gambling on the ballot. When I heard the State GOP speak about it at the State MO GOP Meeting, they didn’t seem concerned. Are they trying to pave the way for it?"

And here is the interview with David's guest:

Exclusive Exposé: Who is Parson's Puppet Master? Who is Preparing Kehoe to be the next Marionette to dance? by David Rice

Wealthy Men misusing the access of Lobbies, are corrupting our state through Marijuana, Gambling, Illegal Immigration and using the "Christian" face of men like Parson and Kehoe like hoods.

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