Monday, January 15, 2024

We're Failing the Children

David Rice begins a five-part Substack series titled "Why is Child Porn Legal?

One so wants to recoil from this stuff and not think on it. But in all honesty, porn has affected, on one level or another, almost everyone in modern society. Christians must be willing to take up the cross and fight. Porn, and in particular child porn, is a scourge that grows ever larger.

Our betters (those with most of the money, education, and influence) have long since abandoned their moral position and are not to be followed or trusted. This includes elected officials who pay lip service to protecting children but in reality do little or nothing.

From Rice's article:

"Overall, the Miller decision is just bad law. One of the justices, William J. Brenner, Jr., was eager to remove as many obscenity laws as he could. We can all give him thanks for his service to this nation. I need a sarcasm font. We were given a law which created a market for obscene materials across the nation. Its claim to return the issues to the states is a valueless claim. We are one bad petition initiative to change the Missouri Constitution to enshrine the right to porn in our libraries and our schools. This is what happens when you side with a Free Love worldview."

Just to keep it real, here is journalist Elizabeth Nickson of Welcome to Absurdistan:

 We Chose the Pornification of the Culture, and,

Child Rape in Hollywood. How Much Can You Handle?

Our local culture has become so degraded that our Christian County Library is on par with public libraries in St. Louis and Kansas City for the amount of smut pushing the early sexualization and indoctrination of our children.

But there is hope. The monthly library board of trustee meetings have become a sort of revival of Christian sentiment. Pastors are getting involved, though sadly they are few and far between. Victims of the "pornification of our culture" speak about its trauma, and how to be saved and healed.

The "educated" voices that speak in favor of allowing minors access to smut are slowly being overcome by common sense and sanity. But the Enemy of common sense and sanity will not give up easily.

 The next meeting of the Christian County Library is scheduled for Tuesday, January 23 at 6 p.m. Check the link to confirm the location as the meeting draws closer.

In the meantime, keep up with David Rice's series. Don't turn away. Local action has national impact.


  1. The library board meeting is NOT your church. As a Muslim, it's incredibly offensive that you guys are trying to turn it into a revival. PLEASE remember that the public library is for EVERYONE.

    1. I'm sure that ALL people are welcome at the library and the library board of trustee meetings. I know I would appreciate your input.

    2. I know all people are welcomed by the board. It's you and your brimstone and fire group that I'm concerned with.

    3. What are you concerned about, in particular?

  2. Why would you think it's ok to turn the public library board into a revival? I'm speaking for the entire Muslim community here, we are offended!

    1. What offends you? That Christians are speaking in public? That Christians are sharing their opinions?

    2. You said it yourself, you want to turn a public meeting into your church revival.

    3. This is exactly what I said, "The monthly library board of trustee meetings have become a sort of revival of Christian sentiment. Pastors are getting involved, though sadly they are few and far between. Victims of the "pornification of our culture" speak about its trauma, and how to be saved and healed."

      You distorted what I said.

      Aren't you glad that victims of porn are being healed?
