Monday, February 5, 2024

Library Trustees to be Appointed or Elected?

Listen to Rep. Tony Lovasco describe his bill (HB2498) to make library board of trustees an elected position, and not an appointed position (prompted to the 20:00 minute mark). Our county commissioners have done a great job of vetting the trustees in 2023, but allowing citizens to vote for who ultimately governs our local library is a good thing.

Although the discussion about the library bill is only two minutes long, Rep. Lovasco makes some great points. Tomorrow is Library Advocacy Day in Jefferson City, in which librarians and trustees will be visiting with legislators. Say a little prayer for the representatives as they discuss HB2498 (bill text here). :-)

Incidentally, tomorrow morning's Christian County Commission meeting (9 a.m. at the courthouse in Ozark) will include discussion of the West County Township Position for the library trustees.

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