Saturday, April 6, 2024

Missouri Freedom Initiative Livestream 7:30 p.m. -- Silver and Gold!


From Patrick Holland's livestream notes:  
"While we often delve into strategies for legislative success in Missouri, tonight's focus shifts to the underlying imperative of the Constitutional Money Act.

The urgency of this matter cannot be overstated. Citizens for Sound Money, with Daniel Diaz at the helm as Executive Director, has been an important ally in our quest to pass sound money legislation in Missouri. Daniel joins us tonight to dissect the precariousness of our current financial system, underscoring the necessity for a viable alternative.

The looming shadow of a potential economic downturn, particularly in the realm of commercial real estate, has sparked concerns of a crisis that could dwarf the turmoil of 2008. These discussions, largely absent from mainstream media, have found a home on alternative platforms, highlighting a brewing storm that could have profound impacts on us all.

This narrative of fiscal distress extends to the education sector, where schools, rather than tightening belts, have leveraged recent bond approvals to secure funding, amplifying the tax burden on local communities. This trend, echoing the fiscal challenges of states like Illinois, serves as a stark reminder of government priorities, often at odds with the well-being of its citizens."

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