Showing posts with label Clever. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clever. Show all posts

Monday, January 1, 2024

How Deep Does the Infiltration Go?


Image: Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce


David Rice has written an excellent article, Chamber of Commerce or Radical Left Communism?, about the role of local chambers of commerce in subverting our communities. In particular, our local schools are often partners with the Chamber of Commerce, allowing the implementation of agendas that turn our schools into tools for multinationals and businesses that seek compliant, submissive workers--not well-rounded, thinking individuals. 


Image: Ozark Chamber of Commerce

In fact, you should check out who in your local school district is also members and even board members of the chambers of commerce. It's not just Springfield. Ozark and Clever have current or former school staff and school board members who are also involved with their chambers of commerce. Nixa is not immune, either. The sad thing is that many Chamber members and even school leaders are not aware or fully aware of the agendas they are helping to enforce. It's time they knew.

Image: Clever Chamber of Commerce

These public/private partnerships always end up serving the interests of business and not students or taxpayers. From David's article: "The people who support the radicalization of the Greater Springfield Area will give up our ability to self-govern if it enriches them. In fact, they are eager to help radicalize our children so they are incapable of rational thought and using their liberty responsibly." 

If you've been wondering why our schools have become pipelines for SEL, DEI, and trauma-based education, you can thank organizations like the Chamber of Commerce, as well as government. It's time to take our schools back from Business, and make them about the business of education.

UPDATE: This is what our chambers are up to--

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Last Call for "See You at the Library" Event



FOX News highlighted the nationwide Brave Books event for Saturday. Two Texas groups and citizens from Christian County were featured. From the article:

"The Right to Win Ozarks community group is also holding "grassroots events" in southwest Missouri on Saturday.

"These are citizen-led initiatives taking place this Saturday at all four branches of the Christian County Public Library, in Clever, Nixa, Ozark and Sparta. The times vary by location," said a spokesperson from the group to Fox News Digital on Wednesday. 

"As passionate supporters of our public libraries, we believe in their fundamental role as knowledge repositories that spark imagination, learning and intellectual growth."

The Right to Win Ozarks spokesperson also said, "We are excited to be a part of the work happening under the library mission, priority No. 1 for access."

She also said, "We are striving to create a welcoming event and offer books and stories that reflect the community. It's about reigniting the community's love for reading and emphasizing the crucial role [that] libraries play in offering enlightenment and education to everyone."

The spokesperson added, "Parents and volunteers are coming together to offer story hours, activities and more to teach kids about faith, hope and love. We invite everyone to join us in celebrating and sustaining the essential service our libraries provide."

The story hour will include crafts and refreshments. Click here for more information, or visit Brave Books.


NOTE: The event was also organized by other local citizens not involved with RTWO. Reporters don't always get things exactly right, even if they have the best of intentions.


Monday, July 31, 2023

Brave Books Event this Saturday!


Brave Books has organized a nationwide library story time for children. See Kirk Cameron's video below the flyer for information on the August 5, See You At The Library event. Local citizens are hosting an event at all four Christian County Library branches. Children and parents can look forward to a story (or two!) of virtue, as well as a craft and snacks. 

You can also find information on our Facebook page.