Showing posts with label Jennifer Bilek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jennifer Bilek. Show all posts

Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Transgender Ideology in Our Library


By Gretchen Garrity

Local citizens and parents may not be aware of the globalist, ideological agenda of transgenderism that is being actively pushed in our local library. In her essays, collected in her book, "Transsexual, Transgender, Transhuman," Jennifer Bilek describes the process that moves humanness toward a "differently" human future. Bilek explains:

"'Transgenderism' is a word acting as a social bridge between transsexualism and transhumanism...A transhumanist existence is one where biological reality, such as the border between male and female, would become irrelevant."

Bilek has been researching the gender industry for over a decade. She says, "It is becoming apparent to many now that medically assaulting children's reproductive organs will go down in history as one of the greatest scandals of all time. What is still escaping most people is the connection this medical assault on children's reproductive organs has to technology; how we are all being systematically, sexually traumatized, and conditioned to dissociate from ourselves by technology."

The rabbit hole goes very deep on a global level. But it has also reached our communities, impacting children and young people we may know. The Christian County Library is providing many books dedicated to the transgender agenda, from infants to teens. I looked at the Coolcat Catalog after perusing the last couple years of the  Rainbow Reading List, and while there are hundreds of books in our library, I have listed just under 30 books that deal mainly with gender ideology. 

A few deal with subjects unrelated to gender ideology, but do show the indoctrination that is occurring in our culture. I noted a few books that have appropriated classics for children, like Anne of Green Gables, and Treasure Island. There are many of those that recast stories and characters to reflect something far different than the originals.

The links take you to the online catalog of the Christian County Library. Note the ages at which gender ideology is being promoted. If you want to read a parent's perspective on gender transitioning, go HERE. It's heartrending and infuriating. And this sort of thing is IN OUR LIBRARY where vulnerable children have access.

  1. The Pronoun Books, for ages 3 and under (Tags: Gender, Gender Identity, Gender studies, Diversity, Early Reader)

  2. Antiracist Baby, for ages 0-4 (Tags: Social justice, activism, race relations, diversity)

  3. I’m Not a Girl, for ages 3-6 years (Tags: Transgender, Gender Identity, Acceptance)

  4. Books like My Fade is Fresh, for ages 3-7. (Tags: Gender non-conforming)

  5. Small Knight and the Anxiety Monster for ages 4-8. (Tags: Gender non-conforming)

  6. My Moms Love Me, for ages 3-5. (The baby is described as "ungendered" in a review on the Coolcat website.) Publishers Weekly, May 2, 2022

  7. Julian is a Mermaid, for ages 4-8 years. (Gender non-conforming)

  8. Julian at the Wedding, for ages 4-8 years. (Gender non-conforming)

  9. When Aidan became a Brother, for ages 4-8 years. (Tags: Gender, Transgender)

  10. I Am Jazz, for ages 4-8 years. (Tags: Transgender, Self-acceptance)

  11. It Feels Good to be Yourself, for ages 4-8 years. (Tags: Gender Identity, Transgender)

  12. It’s Okay to be Different, for ages 3-6 (Social Emotional Learning)

  13. Racial Justice: Let us March On! For ages 4-8 years. (Social Justice)

  14. I Love You Because I Love You, for ages 4-8 years (Tags: Gender Identity, Social Justice, Harmony)

  15. Were I Not a Girl, for ages 4-8 years (Tags: Gender Issues, Male Impersonators, Trans)

  16. The Young Activist’s Dictionary of Social Justice, for ages 7-12. (Tags: Social Justice, Gun Control, Gender Transition, Organizing, Climate Justice, Racism)

  17. Rainbow Revolutionaries, for ages 8-12 (Tags: Gender identity, diversity, pride activism)

  18. Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag, for ages 5-8 years (Tags: Pride, Activism, Social Justice)

  19. The Every Body Book, for ages 7-12 years, (Tags: Gender, Gender Expression, Reproductive Health, Sex)

  20. Anne: An Adaptation of Anne of Green Gables (sort of), ages 8-12 years (Tags: LGBTQIA, Relationship, Graphic Novels)

  21. Stand Up and Speak Out Against Racism, for ages 9-12 years (Tags: Multi-culturalism, Social issues, Race)

  22. A Snake Falls to Earth, for ages 10-14 (Tags: Asexual, Climate Change, Magic, Spirits)

  23. Identity: A Story of Transitioning, for ages 11 and up (Tags: Gender, Juvenile, Graphic Novel)

  24. Beyond the Gender Binary, for ages 12 and up (Tags: Social justice, Gender Theory, Gender Nonconforming, Queer Studies, Gender Fluid)

  25. Stay Gold, for ages 14 and up (Tags: Transgender, Coming of Age, Coming Out, Bullying)

  26. I Was Born for This, for ages 14 and up (Tags: Transgender, Mental Health, Romance)

  27. The Honeys, for ages 14 and up (Tags: Gender Fluid, Thriller, Horror, Paranormal)

  28. The Feeling of Falling in Love, for ages 14 years and up (Tags: Transgender, Romance, Homophobia)

  29. A Clash of Steel: A Treasure Island Remix, for ages 13 up (Tags: LGBTQ+, Romance, Lesbian, 19th Century)
    Young girls are particular targets and victims of gender ideology

    Note how these books, thanks to a concerted effort on the part of book publishers, are geared toward children of every age. The above books were added by the library staff to their collections in just the last couple years. There are many, many more. My impromptu list was close to 160 books with varying themes. Parents should have the right to control access to them. These books are shelved with unfettered availability to children of every age.

    There is a monthly meeting of the Christian County Library Board of Trustees on Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 6 p.m. at the Nixa library branch. Make your voice heard.