Showing posts with label Ozark Community Foundation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ozark Community Foundation. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Agenda Goes Deeper Than You Think


David Rice finishes up his series "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" with "Washing the Spider Out." In it he details how local progressive groups like U-Turn in Education and their comrades promote a hard-left agenda with help from other organizations and individuals. It's all done quietly, except for all the awards and such that serve to fool the public into thinking said individuals and organizations are crusading do-gooders. From his article,

"U-Turn represents one of the necessary tools in this new system. They are essentially cheap marketing and PR arms for publishers of books like Fun Home and Gender Queer. I do not know why women fill the ranks of organizations like U-Turn or why women see this as an existential fight to save marginalized communities and help them find their true selves. I don’t know their motivation and can only guess why U-Turn has decided to promote sexually explicit and racist books as a PR firm for Publishers and the ALA. Yet, they do and participate in propaganda to mislead their local communities because they believe they have moral justification for doing so."

We all need to be 'wise as serpents and harmless as doves' these days. The extent to which we are manipulated and emotionally coerced can seem overwhelming when we first awaken to what has happened to our institutions and how they have been colonized by a progressive agenda. But, as Rice closes his article:

"We were meant to see this dangerous web, not to be caught in it, but to witness its existence and understand its intent." 

Once you see what they have done, you can never unsee it. Exposing the web to the light of truth is powerful. Please read and share Rice's series. "Now it is high time to awake out of sleep." (Rom. 13:11)

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Part Two,c_fill,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep,g_auto/

David Rice continues his article series about how public-private partnerships serve to benefit wealthy donors, NGOs, and backdoor government implementation of progressive policies. Media entities like the Springfield Daily Citizen serve as the propaganda vehicle to gain buy-in from unsuspecting citizens.

For a powerful example from his article:

"The push for easy abortions is having an effect. Fewer and fewer individuals are coming up through the school system. You can see the immediate impact Roe V. Wade had on the age group about 50 years ago. There are far fewer people in the age group of 45-49 than in any other group. That’s my age group. We were aborted eagerly by our parent’s generation for their Free Love. We should be furious. Look at what’s happening to the youngest group under 5. They are being aborted, too. 

Why do politicians talk about it like it’s a childcare crisis then when fewer children need childcare? They see that the largest group is preparing to leave high school schools across the nation, which are going to look empty, and one of the largest unions in the country will have teachers who aren’t employed."

Folks, the childcare crisis that Gov. Kehoe, House Speaker Jon Patterson, and Sen. Cindy O'Laughlin are pushing is FAKE. It's all about organizational and government control of US and our CHILDREN. It is high time to wake up.

Read the whole thing HERE. Part One is linked there, too.