Showing posts with label TPUSA Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TPUSA Faith. Show all posts

Friday, February 9, 2024

Shout Out!

 A shout-out to TPUSA-Faith of Christian County

Featured in the national organization's monthly newsletter, the feature said in part, "Let us applaud TPUSA Faith of Christian County Faith HUB for their exceptional commitment to civic engagement and excellence. This remarkable faith hub, located in Springfield, MO, organizes numerous transformative Biblical Citizenship Classes both within the city and throughout the county. Their unwavering dedication to actively engage and serve the community stands as an inspiring testament to the power of faith-driven initiatives. Through their efforts, TPUSA Faith of Christian County Faith HUB is making a meaningful impact, fostering unity, and empowering individuals to contribute positively to society."

From TPUSA-Faith

Contact the Christian County chapter at their Facebook page for information on upcoming Biblical Citizenship and Constitution Alive! classes, which are conducted in partnership with David Barton's Wallbuilders. The classes are perfect for families, as well as individuals.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Pastors' Panel Planned for Show-Me Coach Conference

By Gretchen Garrity


The upcoming Show-Me Patriot Academy Coach Conference, co-hosted by TPUSA-Faith and Patriot Academy, will feature a midday Pastors' Panel. The panel will field questions from attendees.

Rev. Bill Cook, who founded the Black Robe Regiment, and Pastor Reggie Micham are two of the panel members.

I asked both the following question: "What can pastors do today to help Christians become more engaged in civic life?"

Rev. Cook responded, "Lead by example. Be engaged in civic life themselves. Start thinking of their flocks, as encompassing not only those who attend their services, but as the entire community in which their flocks live and move and have their being. As salt and light, churches are “curators” of their temporal domiciles (communities), stewards of the blessings of Liberty. If local government becomes rotten, the local Church, likely, is failing to its curative (salt and light) mission."

Using the 1828 Webster's Dictionary, Rev. Cook shared the definition of "curator:"

1. One who has the care and superintendence of anything.

2. A guardian appointed by law.


Pastor Reggie Micham, in ministry for 45 years and who shepherds Fellowship Lighthouse Church in Bruner, is active working with citizens to clear the local library of inappropriate materials accessible by children. His church is very active in the missions field and has been seeing significant growth both locally and abroad. Additionally, the church purchased the property next door, with plans to build outdoor space for the congregation to gather and for children to play.

Pastor Micham said, "In First Timothy, we read where Timothy, who was the pastor of the church in Jerusalem, encouraged his congregation to pray for the civil leaders of their times, and this would hold true for the days we are living in. Along with our prayers, there must be corresponding actions. James 2:26 tells us that faith without works, being alone, is dead.  And Proverbs 29:2 tells us when the godly are in authority the people rejoice, but when the wicked are in power they groan. To do, or say nothing in the face of evil becomes evil itself. Pastors have the responsibility to encourage their congregation to stand up for America, do our part to put God-fearing people in office." 


On his Facebook page, Rev. Cook recently said, ""Disobedience to Tyranny IS obedience to God." Asked to elaborate he said, "Websters 1828 Dictionary of the American English Language defines tyranny as, “Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government.” The first tyrant in human history was the serpent who employed deceit to arrogate to himself, Adam’s seat, and authority, thus acquiring the title, “prince of the power of the air.” (Ephesians 2:2). All tyranny is based in and empowered by deceit; a truth born out throughout history since the fall of man. Obedience to Tyranny, therefore, and obedience to God, are mutually exclusive. While one may act out of ignorance, one cannot be obedient to God while obeying tyranny."


 "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God"       _____________________________

A variation on the aphorism,Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God,” proposed as a motto for the Seal of the United States, is attributed to Benjamin Franklin. It wasn’t used for its intended purpose but was appropriated by Thomas Jefferson for use on his personal seal.

"A few articles by my friend William J. Federer make reference to the phrase and may be helpful:

The Boston Tea Party: Historical background of a revolutionary event! – J. Federer"


For information about the conference and to register, go here

If you would like to sponsor the event, which is free for attendees, go here.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Show-Me Coach Conference in Christian County


Hosted by TPUSA-Faith (Christian County chapter), Patriot Academy coaches and citizens are invited to attend a one-day conference promoting knowledge of our civic rights and duties in public life. With the slogan, "Build Back Biblical," the Show Me Patriot Academy Coach Conference will bring Patriot Academy coaches, citizens, and pastors together who are taking a stand for biblical citizenship.

Event organizer Brian Rohlman, who is a long-time local coach for Patriot Academy, said, "The Show-Me Patriot Academy Coach Conference was envisioned as a teaching and equipping event for people who are already Patriot Academy Coaches, and for those who would like to find out more about educating their communities in the Biblical mindset that influenced our founding generation."

Additionally, Rohlman said, "In much the same way the Black Robe Regiment of the American Revolution shaped the moral and political thought of their generation, we, as followers of Jesus Christ, must engage our communities with the absolute truth of God to stem the tide of moral and political decay in our cities, states, and nation. This can only be done by individual Biblical citizens operating at the local level, and the Show-Me Patriot Academy Coach Conference, hosted by TPUSA Faith Christian County, will provide invaluable training and encouragement to those who attend."

Doors open at 8 a.m. Speakers include Pastor Bill Cook of the Black Robe Regiment/Liberty Pastors, Brett Sterley of Convention of States, Rep. Jamie Gragg, Ashley Alexander (via virtual video) of Patriot Academy, Jennifer Rosebrock of Concerned Parents of the Ozarks, as well as a pastors' panel, coach panel, Civitas Tours and more.

For information and to register, go here

If you would like to sponsor the event, which is free for attendees, go here.