Showing posts with label MOScholars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MOScholars. Show all posts

Monday, June 3, 2024

Privatizing Public Schools

Pam Buttram is a retired lawyer who took a hard look at the 2021 bill passed into law (HB349 and SB86) named the Missouri Scholarship Accounts Program, or MOScholars for short. What she found was the bill laid the foundation for the privatization of public schools, which has now been furthered by the "school choice" bill, SB727, that was passed in the 2024 legislative session and signed into law by Gov. Parson.

Who benefits? Not the taxpayers, not the students. Pam does a great job of breaking down the intricacies of the situation and who really benefits. David Rice has added links at the end of the article, as well as a transcript.

Listen in:

SB727 Threatens Public Schools & Children--It Privatizes Public Money and Accountability by David Rice

Pam Buttram, a former tax lawyer, walked Gretchen Garrity and me, David Rice, through the new funds and fees created by SB727. She showed millions will sit in accounts, letting a trickle go to kids.

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