Showing posts with label Diversity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diversity. Show all posts

Monday, December 11, 2023

It's not just the universities


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is being pushed on our children from young ages. It is not just at the university level.  

James Lindsay defines DEI as, "The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion industry under Woke Marxism is easy to understand. Equity is a rebranding of Socialism: an administered economy that makes outcomes equal. Diversity and Inclusion are tools used to install political officers and to censor and remove dissidents, respectively. In other words, the Woke Marxist DEI industry is a racket designed to install commissars for its ideology." 

A good share for normies who watch CNN is Fareed Zakaria, here speaking to the complete unmooring of a moral intellectal tradition in our universities:


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Just What is DIE? UPDATE



By Gretchen Garrity

 Been having a back-and-forth with a commenter regarding the terms and meanings of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) on this post. The latest comment:

"Anonymous October 4, 2023 at 9:33 AM

I apologize if you feel attacked. I was simply asking a question. It's a common battle cry of the magas: "no CRT, no DEI". But when I've actually asked people what those terms mean in relation to education, they don't know! I understand that it's easy to get swept up in rally cries, but shouldn't you at least know what you are crying about?

I don't know why you've mentioned socialism so much. I'm not coming at this from a political angle. It's important for kids to learn why diversity (in thought, background, culture....) is important. You know, since we live in a diverse world. ;)

Equity is simple, everyone should have what they need in order to succeed. For example, I have an autistic grandson who gets to take tests in a quieter classroom with less students. He NEEDS this in order to focus and complete his work.

Inclusion, again, another simple one. ALL kids deserve to be included! For example, the city just recently put in an inclusive playground. This means that even kids with physical disabilities are able to have access. There's even play equipment specifically designed to encourage parents to play and interact with their children.

So there it is. There's the D, E and I "agenda". I am a teacher in the district and I promise you, this is the only "agenda" we are implementing in the classroom. There really is nothing nefarious about it.

I don't know Emily Drabinski so I can't ask her." 

Since posts are moderated after a few days, I thought I would bring it up to the top, so the discussion can go on without that.

I think the issue here is a teacher does not understand what is behind the DIE agenda. Here is a very short video that gives a snapshot of the agenda behind it.

 Perhaps that will give him/her a place to begin understanding what is going on in our schools.


Here is a visceral video on why DIE must be defeated. Adherents of DIE will say that all children should "see themselves represented" in library books, in the name of diversity and inclusion. This is how they sneak in smut like in the video below. You will be given a million innocent reasons for the DIE agenda, but at the end of the day it's about the demoralization of our children. Warning: GRAPHIC.