Monday, February 12, 2024

How to Identify Wokecraft

James Lindsay explains how Marxists take over organizations and transform them, cutting you the citizen out of any say in how your local libraries or schools are run.

Here's a link to the book he recommends. Charles Pincourt, who authored the book with Lindsay, says this about his book Counter Wokecraft:

"The second part of the book analyzes the collection of principles, strategies, and tactics used by the Woke to entrench their perspective—in other words, wokecraft. The success of the Woke relies primarily on three things: First is the weaponization of positive-sounding, commonly understood words that have double meanings, or Woke Crossover Words. These words (e.g., critical, diversity, inclusion) are brandished like Improvised Explosive Devices. They are slipped into documents and decisions, justified by their commonly held meanings, but are later used to justify Woke interventions based on their radical Woke meaning. Second, there is a general insistence on informality, which is then exploited to manipulate decision-making by preventing, for example, secret ballot voting. Third, there are a number of woke bullying tactics that are used to prevent people from resisting Woke advances. These range from coercion through consensus to cancel-culture attacks. Together, these tactics are used to exaggerate support for, and quell dissent against, Woke advances."

 According to Pincourt, the latter part of the book teaches readers how to counter the revolution. "The first column seeks to sow doubt in participants about the Woke perspective, particularly its prescriptions. The second involves amplifying and enabling dissenting opinions, while at the same time instituting the formalization of decision-making processes that allow all participants to voice their opinions."

 Wouldn't it be nice if school boards and library boards actually gave citizens more than three minutes to expound (five minutes would be helpful), and then actually responded to them? Instead, they use wokecraft to shut down a free exchange of ideas, and steal citizens' recourse to public dialog with public servants.

The video is only 20 minutes long. Well worth viewing.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

The Missouri Freedom Initiative reports on the WEF...and Missouri

 The Missouri Freedom Initiative tackles the World Economic Forum tonight, and its ties to Missouri. The WEF is bent on mining (in a globally connected way) rare earth minerals used in so-called green energy. Think the cobalt mines in Africa. Well, there are rare earth minerals in Missouri. And importantly, Missouri has a lot of water, which is needed in the extraction process of rare earth minerals.

Tonight's show, according to MFI's Patrick Holland, "...will be streaming live tonight at 7:30PM Central on Rumble, Twitter (X), Odysee and You Tube. It promises to be an interesting show as Isaac is returning to give us updates on his research in connecting the dots between pieces of Missouri legislation and the  WEF agenda."

Here is a short documentary about 2024's WEF meeting in Davos. The takeaway: You are the carbon they want to get rid of.



To catch up on what the WEF and its Missouri compatriots are up to in the Show Me State, here is a previous MFI show from a couple weeks ago that details how some of our current and former legislators are involved. Tonight's show will shed more light.


Friday, February 9, 2024

Shout Out!

 A shout-out to TPUSA-Faith of Christian County

Featured in the national organization's monthly newsletter, the feature said in part, "Let us applaud TPUSA Faith of Christian County Faith HUB for their exceptional commitment to civic engagement and excellence. This remarkable faith hub, located in Springfield, MO, organizes numerous transformative Biblical Citizenship Classes both within the city and throughout the county. Their unwavering dedication to actively engage and serve the community stands as an inspiring testament to the power of faith-driven initiatives. Through their efforts, TPUSA Faith of Christian County Faith HUB is making a meaningful impact, fostering unity, and empowering individuals to contribute positively to society."

From TPUSA-Faith

Contact the Christian County chapter at their Facebook page for information on upcoming Biblical Citizenship and Constitution Alive! classes, which are conducted in partnership with David Barton's Wallbuilders. The classes are perfect for families, as well as individuals.

See What the Missouri Library Association is Up To

From Missouri Library Association
 David Rice has written an excellent Substack post about the Missouri Library Association (MLA) and its lobbying efforts in Jefferson City earlier this week.

The method to their madness is similar to organizations like the Missouri School Boards Association (MSBA), in which their advocacy positions are often antithetical to freedom, parental rights, etc.

Rice says, "Missouri Librarians descended on Jefferson City on Tuesday, Feb. 6th, 24, to have morning Unity meetings and then go lobby (harass) public officials. Their purpose is laid bare in their agendas and their priorities.

They were against Free Speech, the 2nd Amendment, Protecting Children, lowering taxes, changing their Fiscal Year and elections, and Limiting their Power. The one bill they supported would make it illegal for libraries to remove books from their collection. As I point out below, they don’t even expect this bill to pass."

Read the whole thing. Rice includes a list of bills currently in the legislature that citizens will want to read. Keep in mind that the MLA is a chapter of the American Library Association (ALA)...that hard Left organization that is beginning a slow retreat from its Marxist President Emily Drabinski.

Citizen participation is vital. The next Christian County Library Board of Trustee meeting is scheduled for February 27.

Because the RINOs won't let IP reform be heard

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Someone was speaking with a forked tongue



Snakes 🚫

♬ original sound - Right2WinOzarks
The original TikTok is below.
@babyiwasbornthisgay 🚨Help us MOBILIZE a sit in #protest standing up for our #trans friends and family 🏳️‍⚧️💙🏳️‍🌈 Join us Friday at The Library Center between 4-8 for a sit in protest against this event. Please wear #inclusive shirts and bring along any inclusive books you have. We will not be yelling, shouting or being disrespectful in anyway, our presence can speak for itself. The more seats we fill the less children will hear this derogatory and hateful message. PLEASE SHARE THIS!! #springfieldmo #417land #lgbtq #lgbtqrights #protecttranskids #inclusion #dei #diversity #speakup #speakout #endhate #translivesmatter #lgbt #politicaltiktok #queertiktok #hatehasnohomehere #Missouri #moproblems #missouripolitics #redstate #conservatives #wlw #mo #missouricheck #bluedot #greenscreen @Bluntblonde417 @Kat ♬ original sound - Brittany

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

County Commissioners Reaffirm Appointment Process for Library Board of Trustees

 By Gretchen Garrity

At their weekly meeting on Feb. 6, 2024, the Christian County Commissioners reaffirmed the process used last year to vet and appoint Christian County Library Board of Trustees positions.

There are approximately nine local county boards that are comprised of volunteers who serve the public in various ways, including on the library board. These are unpaid positions. Most of them are self-perpetuating in the sense that when a board position comes open each organization selects and vets their candidate and refers them to the county commission for appointment.

However, because the county library has been embroiled in controversy for more than a year, the county commissioners took charge of the process and eventually appointed two new board members in 2023.

(You may have to go to Youtube to view the video)
 Citizens began petitioning the library board in December 2022 to restrict age-inappropriate, pornographic, and pervasively vulgar materials in the children and teen sections of the library.

So far, the library staff and board have resisted almost all efforts to have books moved out of the reach of minors. Monthly board of trustee meetings have seen increasing numbers of citizens commenting upon the issue and requesting relief.

Now that another appointed position is coming open (Clever area) in June, the library staff and other activists are most likely concerned that a new appointee would constitute a majority on the board and be able to make substantial changes to the library's collection policies.

The library's executive director, Renee Brumett, requested to delay the meeting to discuss the appointment process due to the MLA's Library Advocacy Day occurring on the same date. According to Presiding Commissioner Lynn Morris, the delay request came in late Sunday or early Monday before Tuesday morning's meeting.

The Commission, after discussion, decided to go forward. A motion was put forth from Eastern Commissioner Bradley Jackson, and seconded by Presiding Commissioner Lynn to continue the appointment process in perpetuity until such time as another motion was made to change the process. It passed, with Western Commissioner Hosea Bilyeu voting no.

The commissioners heard from citizens who were not happy with the process or the fact that the commissioners voted to continue the procedure from last year without the library staff being present. For the record, there are sixty employees in the Christian County Library system. Surely, not all of them were at the Library Advocacy Day or at work.

Let's be clear, the dissent is coming from people who want to continue with the library as it has been and continues to be--a place where children are being exposed to age-inappropriate books of a sexual nature, as well as indoctrination in Marxist ideology through DEI and CT.

They know that when the commissioners appoint another trustee, that the board may decide to make changes.

It's that simple.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Library Trustees to be Appointed or Elected?

Listen to Rep. Tony Lovasco describe his bill (HB2498) to make library board of trustees an elected position, and not an appointed position (prompted to the 20:00 minute mark). Our county commissioners have done a great job of vetting the trustees in 2023, but allowing citizens to vote for who ultimately governs our local library is a good thing.

Although the discussion about the library bill is only two minutes long, Rep. Lovasco makes some great points. Tomorrow is Library Advocacy Day in Jefferson City, in which librarians and trustees will be visiting with legislators. Say a little prayer for the representatives as they discuss HB2498 (bill text here). :-)

Incidentally, tomorrow morning's Christian County Commission meeting (9 a.m. at the courthouse in Ozark) will include discussion of the West County Township Position for the library trustees.

Grassroots is Happening


Friday, February 2, 2024

Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Comes to Town

Packed room for Brave Books event

By Gretchen Garrity

Taking advantage of the Brave Books event in Springfield on Feb. 2, Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, who is running for Missouri governor, appeared to speak briefly in support of women's sports. Candidate for Secretary of State, Valentina Gomez, 24, a former NCAA Division I swimmer, also appeared.

The event featured swimmer Riley Gaines and surfer Bethany Hamilton, both of whom have authored children's books for the Brave Books line. Gaines authored "Happy No Snakes Day," while Hamilton authored "Surfing Past Fear."

Riley Gaines and Bethany Hamilton in Springfield

The event was standing room only with lines eventually reaching outside the Springfield Library Center's doors. Hundreds of people showed up to see Gaines and Hamilton read their Brave Book stories.

Although LGBTQ+ activists vowed to "take up space" according to a Springfield News-Leader article, their small numbers were overwhelmed. One quiet protester muttered that she was in conservative hell before absconding.

Secretary Ashcroft seemed to forget the names of Hamilton and Gaines when he spoke (see video below). Also, he mentioned the National Library Association, and not the American Library Association. Oddly, when a search was conducted for the National Library Association, search engines like Google and Brave took seekers straight to the American Library Association. An additional search for the president of the NLA took seekers to Emily Drabinski, president of the ALA.

Sec. Ashcroft is well aware of the ALA. He knows the ALA advocates for transgender ideology, as well as other far-left positions. In fact, in the past he has written a letter rebuking the ALA and withholding funds from them for previously trying to prevent a Brave Books event. Previous articles about our libraries are here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.


Perhaps it was an inadvertent error to refer to the ALA as the NLA, an organization that does not seem to exist. But it's odd that a search engine automatically directs searchers to the ALA. Something seems amiss.

Brave search for National Library Association

It is a testament to Gaines and Hamilton that their example of standing for women and women's sports have inspired so many.