Thursday, May 2, 2024

Giving up free speech



“If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed.” -- Benjamin Franklin

Americans have sewn their own mouths shut--first through accepting that it was not politically correct to say certain things. Next, through assenting to the idea that some speech is hateful, and therefore should not be aired. Then it was discovered that oligarch tech giants and their government partners had the "right" to censor what they found politically unpleasant.

As a natural consequence we have local Facebook community pages that allow only one side of an issue to be shared, politicians who feel free to chastise constituents if they have the gall to disagree with a vote, and self-appointed locals who take to task anyone who has the temerity to publicly criticize our dear leaders in the Church and in Government.

Americans, having lost the valuable trait of being able to vigorously debate ideas, will you now go quietly as our Congress seeks to make it a crime to quote the New Testament? What a terrible pity we are doing it to ourselves. Here a little, there a little we give up our God-blessed rights and think we have done the Lord's work.


“In those wretched countries where a man cannot call his tongue his own, he can scarce call anything his own. Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech; a thing terrible to publick traytors.”-- Benjamin Franklin


Monday, April 29, 2024

SB735 the Silver & Gold Bill has passed the MO Senate


 The Missouri Senate today passed Sen. Bill Eigel and Sen. Mike Moon's Constitutional Money Act. SB735 passed 21-10. It now moves to the Missouri House to be considered. The Tenth Amendment Center has the story HERE.

From the article:

"Under the proposed law, gold and silver would be accepted as legal tender and would be receivable in payment of all debts contracted for in the state of Missouri. The state would be required to accept gold and silver for the payment of public debts. Private debts could be settled in gold and silver at the parties’ discretion.

The Director of the Department of Revenue would be tasked with “promulgating rules on the methods of acceptance of specie legal tender as payment for any debt, tax, fee, or obligation owed.”

Practically speaking, this would allow Missourians to use gold or silver as money rather than just as mere investment vehicles. In effect, it would put gold and silver on the same footing as Federal Reserve notes."

And more here, but do read the whole article:

"The United States Constitution states in Article I, Section 10, “No State shall…make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.” Currently, all debts and taxes in Missouri are either paid with Federal Reserve Notes (dollars) authorized as legal tender by Congress or with coins issued by the U.S. Treasury — very few of which have gold or silver in them. Passage of SB735 would allow Missourians to pay state obligations with gold and silver.

The Federal Reserve destroys this constitutional monetary system by creating a monopoly based on its fiat currency. Without the backing of gold or silver, the central bank can easily create money out of thin air. This not only devalues your purchasing power over time; it also allows the federal government to borrow and spend far beyond what would be possible in a sound money system. Without the Fed, the U.S. government wouldn’t be able to maintain all of its unconstitutional wars and programs."

For more information on the Silver and Gold bill go HERE (hours 2 and 3), HERE, and HERE.

The Missouri Freedom Initiative has been working alongside Daniel Diaz of Citizens for Sound Money to pass the Gold and Silver bill.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Missouri Liberty Radio--live at 6 p.m.

 Off The Cuff with Sam Britton

 Sam Britton's entertaining Sunday night radio show, "Off the Cuff," will cover a little bit of Christian County politics tonight, as well as the Silver and Gold bill in the Missouri Legislature. Patrick Holland of the Missouri Freedom Initiative and Daniel Diaz of Citizens for Sound Money will speak about the bills currently up in Missouri. The next few weeks will be important.

Listen live at the link HERE.