Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"You cannot be something you're not"

By Gretchen Garrity

It is imperative that children are protected, both physically and emotionally. Many children with gender dysphoria come from a history of trauma. Children, let alone traumatized children, cannot consent to making such irrevocable changes. That our culture is so bent that publishers, authors, and libraries push ideological books on children as young as toddlers, is shameful and evil. 

Listen to Sam tell his story in the video below. It is heartbreaking. And yet Sam is a testament to the resilience of a soul crying out for truth. Then decide that you will not remain silent while such books are stealthily pushed to our children in our own libraries.

This agenda has nothing to do with the "freedom to read." It is outright diabolical. And there are legions of people who would like nothing better than to get these books into the hands of children. 

Here's a reading list for children. Two titles from that list are in the Christian County Library: I Am Jazz, and The Story of Ferdinand.  Yes, this ideology has usurped a children's classic and made it about sexuality.* There's more in the CCL from another list that also targets minors: Gracefully Grayson, and Some Assembly Required.

God bless and keep Sam. His courage is inspiring.


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Get the ALA/MLA out of our libraries

By Gretchen Garrity

In the tweet below, the woman to the left of American Library Association President Emily Drabinski is Otter Bowman, a past president and current board member of the Missouri Library Association (MLA). Very cozy. Don't believe anything about how Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft is keeping public libraries safe for children. It's all for show.

According to Ashcroft for Missouri, "The Secretary of State oversees the state’s public libraries and archives, and I established new rules to protect children from inappropriate material in these taxpayer-funded institutions." Well, let's see how that panned out in Christian County. Presented is a very small sample of what can be found in our public libraries now. The focus on minor children is telling. You can read more HERE and HERE.

Check out The Prince and the Dressmaker, currently two copies reside in the section for ages 12-17 at the Ozark branch of the Christian County Library. Another one is Captain Underpants and the sensational saga of Sir Stinks-a-Lot, copies of which are in Nixa and Sparta. Check out Chapter 22, the first paragraph. It's for kids ages 7-10. One small line of indoctrination. That's how they are doing it. Book after book after book, in YOUR library, waiting for YOUR children.

All Boys Aren't Blue resides in the biography sections of Clever, Nixa, and Ozark. They call it the Young Adult section, but it's geared to kids ages 12-17. It's Perfectly Normal has a home in the non-fiction Young Adult section (ages 12-17) at Nixa. Guess what they tell kids is perfectly normal?

Here's a letter to a Missouri school board from the MLA, lamenting that the board is carefully reviewing and sometimes removing or restricting books that are deemed inappropriate for children. A state chapter organization of the national ALA wants to tell local communities what they can and cannot place in their school libraries.

Intellectual freedom isn't "freedom" to be unknowingly indoctrinated at early ages. It's enslavement.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Under the Hood of Missouri Politics

Our Team — Strategic Capitol Consulting
Steven Tilley, From: StrategicLobby.com

 David Rice and guest discuss former Speaker of the Missouri House and current lobbyist, Steven Tilley, and his connection to Gov. Mike Parson. Folks, the terms Republican and Democrat have lost meaning beyond their use to control us. They are terms used by politicians to steer citizens into one lane or another in order to effect a political goal. They do not mean what we think they mean.

Citizens need to break free from the deep-seated indoctrination that there are two disparate political parties vying for votes. There is one system that seeks ever greater power, and the two-system party is simply used to keep citizens divided and deceived on the shallowest level. While you may hold conservative values that align with the Republican "platform," and another may hold liberal values that align with a Democrat "platform," the real system, the Uniparty, is taking away our rights and selling our state to moneyed interests.

You, the voter, are the eyewash. You are a convenient hedge to distract the public from the theft of our freedoms and resources and wealth. While we have to work within the subsumed two-party system, that ultimately means working to destroy the Uniparty and getting rid of politicians who work for it and not their constituents.

With that in mind:

 Puppet Master. So much in the article. Here's a taste:

"Steve Tilley has his hands in other gambling in the state, not just the ones in convenience stores. This year, we have an initiative for gambling on the ballot. When I heard the State GOP speak about it at the State MO GOP Meeting, they didn’t seem concerned. Are they trying to pave the way for it?"

And here is the interview with David's guest:

Exclusive Exposé: Who is Parson's Puppet Master? Who is Preparing Kehoe to be the next Marionette to dance? by David Rice

Wealthy Men misusing the access of Lobbies, are corrupting our state through Marijuana, Gambling, Illegal Immigration and using the "Christian" face of men like Parson and Kehoe like hoods.

Read on Substack

Monday, June 10, 2024

Primaries Matter


Hick Christian Interviews Linda Rantz

David Rice of Hick Christian interviews Linda Rantz who teams with Cause of America. Rantz has been an indefatigable supporter of hand counting, and her Missouri Method eManual--Return to Hand Counting is a wonderful tool to learn about how to hand count. And you can find Missouri voting issues HERE at a list COA keeps updated. The latest is May 2024.

Just to let you know, our local Republican central committees could use this training.

The Importance of Hand Counting Ballot Training by David Rice

Linda Rantz, of Cause of America (Mike Lindell's Election Accountability organization) spoke with me about the accuracy of Hand Counting, the problems with Machine Counting, and Election Myths

Read on Substack
Rantz will be in Cass County tonight:

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Missouri Freedom Initiative Livestream at 7:30 p.m.


 According to Patrick Holland, the MFI's live stream tonight will include "special guest, David Rice. David is a conservative writer, journalist, grant writer, freelancer, and playwright. He writes about many different topics that draw his interests. David is focused on exposing Marxism and all of its lies. We’ll discuss the uniparty in Missouri and the PAC money that flows to “Republican” politicians that is intended to allow for research on aborted embryos and fetuses and how that ties into SJR74 and the ballot initiative process. We’ll be live on the usual platforms. Twitter (X), Rumble, Odysee and You Tube."

Also, Patrick shares that "Operation D" is a thing, and the August primaries are vital to our state. Lots more, too. To sign up for MFI's weekly email, go here: patrick@mofree.org


Thursday, June 6, 2024

War on the Grassroots

 Cross posted from Hick Christian:

War on the Grassroots by David Rice

Rulesfare: The Establishment's Desperate Bid to Invalidate Trump's Grassroots Delegates

Read on Substack

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Monday, June 3, 2024

Privatizing Public Schools

Pam Buttram is a retired lawyer who took a hard look at the 2021 bill passed into law (HB349 and SB86) named the Missouri Scholarship Accounts Program, or MOScholars for short. What she found was the bill laid the foundation for the privatization of public schools, which has now been furthered by the "school choice" bill, SB727, that was passed in the 2024 legislative session and signed into law by Gov. Parson.

Who benefits? Not the taxpayers, not the students. Pam does a great job of breaking down the intricacies of the situation and who really benefits. David Rice has added links at the end of the article, as well as a transcript.

Listen in:

SB727 Threatens Public Schools & Children--It Privatizes Public Money and Accountability by David Rice

Pam Buttram, a former tax lawyer, walked Gretchen Garrity and me, David Rice, through the new funds and fees created by SB727. She showed millions will sit in accounts, letting a trickle go to kids.

Read on Substack

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Missouri Freedom Initiative Livestream at 7:30 p.m.

 Tonight's livestream includes the admonition from Patrick Holland that "Americans MUST focus on their own backyards rather than be distracted by the media and things they cannot change. Investigate your LOCAL and STATE candidates BEFORE the primaries."