Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Media Coverage of the Christian County Library

David Rice has a three part series about media coverage of the Christian County Library Board of Trustees:

Here are parts One and Two.

State Media Lies about the Library, Part 3 by David Rice

Springfield News-Leader is famous for writing fiction. So, to help correct their narrative, I'm giving context to their misinformation about what happened at the Christian County Library Board.

Read on Substack

Monday, September 9, 2024

A Billion Dollar Industry in Your Local Library


cover image Indiginerds
Image: Publishers Weekly


By Gretchen Garrity


"Attempting to disown one's sexed reality is not a human right or a lifestyle choice...It is indoctrination, being spread over technology, and through our institutions..." -- Jennifer Bilek


The Christian County Library's September 2024 newsletter features some titles new to the library. Among them is the graphic novel anthology "Indiginerds." Geared to children ages 12-18, the collection of stories is described in the Coolcat online catalog as "First Nations culture is living, vibrant, and evolving, and generations of Indigenous kids have grown up with pop culture creeping inexorably into our lives. From gaming to social media, pirate radio to garage bands, Star Trek to D&D, and missed connections at the pow wow, Indigenous culture is so much more than how it's usually portrayed. INDIGNERDS is here to celebrate those stories!."

The classification genres Indiginerds include "Indigenous peoples, social life and customs, comic books, juvenile literature, popular culture, identity (psychology)," and more.

From: Goodreads review


What you will not be informed of is the lesbianism (sapphic love), gender ideology, Two-spirit, trans-femme, queer themes, and Critical Race Theory threaded throughout the graphic novel.

From: Goodreads review

These kinds of books are being published by the hundreds every year and funneled into libraries, including the Christian County Library. In her book "Transsexual, Transgender, Transhuman," journalist Jennifer Bilek details this process. She writes:

"In less than a decade, the 'transgender human rights movement', replete with their own NGOs, has morphed from 'born in the wrong body' to 'gender identity disorder', to 'gender dysphoria', to 'gender incongruence', to 'gender identity', to 'gender expression', complete with lines of make-up, fashion and body scars."

She goes on:

"Should it be a surprise that there is now a contagion among young women wanting to have their healthy breasts amputated? Is is possible that they are absorbing the messages that promote dysphoria as progressive, cool, and edgy by media conglomerates selling this exact message?"

From: Goodreads review

The media conglomerates publish and sell these books in order to spread the message that sex is on a spectrum that seems to have no end. New genders are being "discovered" every day. Whatever random thought comes into a 13-year-old kid's mind is to be capitalized upon by a billion-dollar gender industry of puberty blockers, surgeries, psychology, and more.

Bilek writes, "While the media inundates us with these messages...gender ideology activists and their NGOs supporting the construct of 'synthetic sex medical expressions' are depathologizing this monstrosity and attempting to sell the public the idea that sex exists on a spectrum, that human sexual dimorphism is a contruct..."

Finally, Bilek writes, "We must understand that this apparatus of the gender industry is being strategically driven by capital, technological developments, and the MIC [Medical Industrial Complex] through all our institutions, corporations, and governments. While we are all arguing about what identity means as it is overlaid with sex-role stereotypes, the elites are running away with human sex. They are violating the boundary between male and female, opening markets in which our essential humanity becomes a-sky-is-the-limit market to be mined."

Since there has been citizen involvement in the library regarding the many books that should not be placed in the children's or teen sections of the library, the Coolcat online catalog has gotten very cunning about how books are being described and marketed. It has become difficult to determine if a book is really just nerdy indigenous kids growing up, or characters in a billion dollar industry that operates with diabolical efficiency to affect children in communities everywhere.

From: Coolcat online catalog

Indiginerds is being placed in the Ozark branch of the CCL. Your children, ages 12-18 are being targeted. If you object to this book--and there are many more in our county library system--please let the Christian County Library Board of Trustees know your thoughts. You can contact them here: or you can attend a monthly board meeting. The next one is Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024 at 6 p.m.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

What is happening?



According to a reply by Dan Kleinman of Safe Libraries, this is a common tactic:

Monday, September 2, 2024

In Case You Haven't Seen This

Cross-posted from Hick Christian:


I Was There

One eyewitness shares their account of the fight in the libraries and schools.

Read on Substack

Saturday, August 31, 2024

It's About Local Control

By Gretchen Garrity 


“So Chicago wants to retain control of Nixa.” -- Dan Kleinman


The Christian County Library Board of Trustees has made a first move to restore trust and repair relations with the public. After nearly two years of refusal to engage the issue of sexually explicit and vulgar books being placed in the children and teen sections of the library, the board has voted to replace President Allyson Tuckness and to expand citizens’ ability to publicly comment.

You can see the motion, discussion and vote here beginning at the 50:40 minute mark:

 The board action to replace Tuckness caused an immediate reaction from not only opponents in the audience, but with a local progressive group, U-Turn in Education, and national groups like Every Library, a group associated with the American Library Association (which is based in Chicago), as well as the organization Book Riot.


A reporter was also present at the library, Susan Wade, who wrote a story for the Springfield Daily Citizen HERE. The board did NOT vote “to implement a system of placing stickers on books...” as the article states. 

The board voted to have Executive Director Renee Brumett provide a list of LGBTQ+ subject headings from the Library of Congress catalog system, and potential book spine labels used by library vendors. The approved motion also requested that books already challenged be included with subject headings on the list Brumett will provide.

The board is researching the feasibility of a labeling system, it has not implemented one. Though the library does currently already use ratings for patron awareness of subject matters including genres and categorizations, this would not be a net new system change for them. More detail below.


There is a small but vocal and active group of locals who have opposed any changes within the county library system. They are composed of mostly progressives who are invested in a political ideology that is contrary to Christian County’s community values. Some of them have connections with larger organizations whose ultimate goal is to overturn the existing cultural and political order.


Reaction from: Book Riot

Here is how they work. The large and well-funded national organizations find and fund small local groups, who are activated when their political and social hegemony in schools and libraries are threatened. These small groups (like U-Turn in Education, headed by local professor and activist Elizabeth Dudash-Buskirk) call on the larger organizations for help when needed. Name-calling commences. The press is activated. Petitions are drawn up. Lies are spread. Lawsuits are commenced. 

It's how they operate. But once you see it, you can't unsee it. This is exactly what happened almost immediately after the August 27, 2024 board of trustee meeting.

Here is the petition from Fight For the First.

Here are the lies: "Not only were the actions on August 7th in violation of the bylaws, the illegal move also irresponsibly leaves the library without proper signing authorities on the bank account."


Did the board of trustees violate their by-laws by voting in a new slate of officers? The by-laws state that board officers are elected in December. But there is nothing to exclude electing officers at other times of the year, as appropriate. Hence, at the July 2023 board of trustee meeting, a president, vice-president, and treasurer were all elected. In December of 2023, when the regular election happened, the same slate was merely re-affirmed.

Since board appointments happen in July, there is often an officer shuffle. So, elections happen at other times of the year as needed and appropriate. No one seemed concerned about check signing when a new board member was appointed last July as treasurer.

 At the end of the Tuesday slate election on August 27, the executive director was (~ minute 56:40) asked to confirm if there would be a negative impact on the ability to have checks promptly signed as was implied (~ minute 51:15).  She was not immediately aware of any concerns but would research to be sure. 

The following Friday, August 30, the check signing process continued as normal (weekly signing had been occurring weekly on that day) without interruption. So instead of a question being asked of whether there might be an impact to financial operations to ensure they were not disrupted, false statements were made and have been found to be untrue.


Horrors: A sticker

At the board meeting, one individual, Amy Hoogstraet, professed horror at the thought of labeling books with identifying stickers. You can see her speak during the public comment of the meeting video above.

This is an interesting angle, since the library itself advertises LGBTQ+ books with stickers as demonstrated below, and other identifying information. In fact, the library proudly displays books with such themes.

Another sticker
 Libraries have often identified Christian-themed books with dove stickers. There were stickers that identified mystery books, too. And books that have been honored by one organization or another. This is not new, and it is not discriminatory.

Pronoun buttons to wear seen at the CCL

 The issue is not stickers. The issue is the push to impose an agenda on children beginning as young as 0-2 years of age. The library has hundreds of books with age-inappropriate themes of sexuality, gender ideology, Critical Race Theory, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion indoctrination, and so on.

Hyped up reaction

This indoctrination is harming children, whose parents often have no idea of what is happening in their schools or what books are being laced into the libraries. Even large book publishers are getting in the local fight because it affects their bottom line. Without a pipeline from publisher to schools and libraries, it is likely many of these books would not be published and pushed on children.

Using arguments like "book banning," privacy rights, access, uncertain case law, and "free speech" these activists work in concert with local libraries and others to keep control over the content of library collections. And they are bent on selling an agenda that most people do not want their children exposed to before they are emotionally and physically capable of handling such content.

As an aside, many libraries are engaged in weeding out classic books that build character, have immense literary quality, and reinforce timeless values. You can count on one hand the number of complete Christian Scriptures in the Christian County Library's four branches. This is not a mistake.

The threat of lawsuits begins

 As the furor grows regarding the audacity of a board to reassert local control of its library, it is helpful to take with a grain of salt what activists, the media and national organizations are saying about the situation. Come to the library meetings and see for yourself what is actually happening. You might be surprised to see it is quite different than its portrayal by progressive activists.

Meetings happen on the fourth Tuesday of each month, but note November and December meeting dates are different, so always check the website here to confirm. Next month's meeting is September 24, 2024, at 6 p.m. in Nixa.

Note: In the interests of full disclosure, I am related to John Garrity, the newest board member of the library board of trustees.

Friday, August 23, 2024

The Prayer of Hezekiah and Amendment 3

 By Gretchen Garrity

A Missouri amendment on November's ballot, Amendment 3, is an extreme attempt to enshrine abortion up to birth in our Missouri Constitution. The amendment's language is also couched so that "reproductive rights" may include irreversible transgender surgeries, as well as immunity from repercussions resulting from botched abortions, and "transition" surgeries. It is worded so that parental rights are in danger, and the creation and destruction of millions of embryos is justified. It is hard to see how this amendment could be any more radical or extreme.
Ashur, Assyrian "Father of the gods."

In the book of 2 Kings, Chapters 18-19, it is related how God delivered Jerusalem from the Assyrian King Sennacherib and his army. At that time, Hezekiah was king in Judah.

King Hezekiah was one of the few kings in Judah who did what was right in the Lord's eyes. Not only did he destroy the high places (places of idol worship), but he repaired the Temple, re-instituted the biblical feasts, reformed the priesthood, and fortified Jerusalem.

At one point, in order to keep peace, Hezekiah began paying tribute to the nation of Assyria, which had become very strong and warlike. Eventually, King Sennacherib was emboldened enough to come against Jerusalem. As he surrounded the city, he sent messengers to the people of Jerusalem, boasting of his military prowess and urging the citizens to surrender.

"Do not let Hezekiah deceive you, for he shall not be able to deliver you from his hand; nor let Hezekiah make you trust in the LORD, saying, "The LORD will surely deliver us; this city shall not be given into the hand of the king of Assyria. Do not listen to Hezekiah; for thus says the king of Assyria: 'Make peace with me by a present and come out to me...that you may live and not die...Has any of the gods of the nations at all delivered its land from the hand of the king of Assyria...Who among all the gods of the lands have delivered their countries from my hand, that the LORD should deliver Jerusalem from my hand?"

When Hezekiah heard of the terrible blasphemy and affront to God he went to the temple and sent messengers to enquire of Isaiah the prophet.

"Thus says Hezekiah: "This day is a day of trouble, and rebuke, and blasphemy; for the children have come to the birth, but there is not strength to bring them forth...Therefore lift up your prayer for the remnant that is left."

King Hezekiah understood the situation he and his people were in. The northern kingdom, Israel, had been destroyed, and Judah alone was left--the remnant. The reference to children coming to birth expressed the deep danger Jerusalem was in--as a child ready to be born but the exhausted mother has no strength left to deliver the baby, thus both may die.


The temptation for the pro-life movement and citizens is to be exhausted by the relentless attack on our children, born and unborn. The victory of overturning Roe V. Wade, and the outlawing of abortion in Missouri is in grave danger. It seems as if Missouri is on the verge of full-scale war on the innocents. Amendment 3 is the Assyrian king seeking to demoralize the citizens and get them to surrender.

Back to Isaiah. The prophet told Hezekiah's messengers, "Thus says the LORD: "Do not be afraid of the words which you have heard, with which the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed Me. Surely I will send a spirit upon him, and he shall hear a rumor and return to his own land; and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land."

When Sennacherib hears that the citizens of Jerusalem refused to surrender to Assyria, he next sends a letter to Hezekiah. In it he boasts of all his military conquests. He again insults God saying, "Do not let your God in whom you trust deceive you, saying "Jerusalem shall not be given into the hand of the king of Assyria. Look! You have heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all the lands by utterly destroying them..."

Hezekiah responds by taking the letter and going up to the house of God. He spreads the letter before the LORD and prays. Ending a beautiful and heartfelt prayer, Hezekiah says, "Now therefore, O LORD our God, I pray, save us from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You are the LORD God, You alone."

Hezekiah, who had overthrown idol worship in Judah, understood that the attack upon Jerusalem and its citizens was ultimately an attack on the LORD. It was an attempt to dethrone Judah's God and install the Assyrian gods, of which there were about 20 major deities of that nation.

Missourians are facing the same thing with Amendment 3. The abortion and transgender cults are built on a hatred of life and of the natural law. Their ruling spirits are akin to the cults of the ancient world, though now they incorporate technological aspects and act as if murder is a human right.


 Hezekiah again hears from Isaiah. "Thus says the LORD God of Israel: "Because you have prayed to Me against Sennacherib king of Assyria, I have heard." What follows is God's assurance not only that Jerusalem will be saved, but that the remnant in Judah will prosper. About the king of Assyria, the LORD says, "He shall not come into this city, nor shoot an arrow there, nor come before it with shield, nor build a seige mound against it. By the way he came, by the same shall he return; and he shall not come into this city, says the LORD. For I will defend this city, to save it for My own sake and for My servant David's sake."

Soon after, Scripture confirms Sennacherib's defeat. An angel of the LORD entered the camp of the Assyrians one night and killed 185,000 soldiers. Sennacherib beat a retreat, and a few years thereafter was killed while worshiping in the temple of his false god. He was killed by his own sons.


The proposed constitutional amendment, Amendment 3, is the "letter" that Christians must lay before God as we reach out to Him in prayer. The abominations that are being proposed in Amendment 3 are an affront to the LORD. They seek to destroy His creation, desecrate His laws, defeat His preeminence as the One living God.

Amendment 3

 Amendment 3 seeks to worship at the altar of mammon. According to a Federalist article: "Both the abortion and reproductive technologies industries are multibillion-dollar businesses, profiting from the creation and elimination of millions of human beings. Contrary to what many think, in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is not simply about creating new life; it often involves sacrificing millions of little lives so adults can attempt to have the exact babies they want when they want them."

According to journalist Jennifer Bilek, "What we’re witnessing in the gender industry is a castration cult. Castration cults have been seen throughout history and we are experiencing another one. What I am going to call transsexual transhumanism is a castration cult amped up on technology, transhumanist ideology, and fueled by profit. It has been introduced to the culture by forcing and controlling new language that obscures its origins in fetish and the sexual objectification of women."

 Most Americans decry abortion up to the point of birth. Most Americans disagree that minor children have the right to make irrevocable decisions about their reproductive faculties. Most Americans know the transgender movement is an attack on humanity.

Opposing Amendment 3 is an issue that Missourians of all denominations and political parties can unite on. Let us go up to the house of the LORD and lay it before Him. 

"Now therefore, O LORD our God, I pray, save us from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You are the LORD God, You alone."

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Cross Post: MOGOP Junta Takeover of Grassroots Central Committees

Hick Christian interviewed Linda Rantz of Cause of America and Cyndia Haggard, Vernon County, Missouri central committee chair regarding the state GOP's continuing attempts to control the grassroots. Click HERE for resources and information mentioned in the interview.

Missouri Liberty Radio Live at 6 p.m.


Off The Cuff with Sam Britton 

Sam Britton's radio show is live at 6 p.m. Tonight's subjects includes Amendment 3, the abortion amendment that would enshrine "reproductive health care" into the Missouri Constitution. You'll find out just what "reproductive health care" means.

Also on the agenda is the latest iteration of the pandemic chronicles. Tune in at 6 p.m. To call in to the show dial 314-698-4615.

Missouri Liberty Radio

Listen Live HERE.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

All Politics is Local

By Gretchen Garrity

David Rice has written a scathing article on his Substack, Hick Christian. It was a long time coming. I can identify with David's anger because I've experienced similar situations as a local writer who reports on politics.

Politics is a very dirty business, even among virtuous people. Politically active constituents sometimes get tangled up in the drama. The best of motives can go bad very quickly. It is fraught with good and bad intentions, with desire for power, influence, money. The stakes are high, even in local races. It is easy for politicians to lose their way almost from the start.

Try being a conservative writer in this atmosphere. Reporting a truth that doesn't make a local politician shine can make a lot of people uneasy and angry because there is so much at stake. Elections, re-elections, personal relationships, favorite issues, pet political projects, lobbyists, PACs--the list is endless, and the easy solution is to write fluff, to not report controversy, to protect your party's darling. In short, the temptation is politics.

Most people are aware that the local, state, and national press are all bought-off propaganda outlets. No one really reads them to get any news. At best, these organizations occasionally print enough truth that if you read three or four articles from different outlets you might have a good idea of what is going on with one issue or another.

On the other hand there are numerous local "chitchat" Facebook pages that allow some local news to be shared. However, most anything controversial is immediately censored. Right to Win Ozarks was quickly deemed "domestic terrorists" right out of the gate. Nowadays we've been downgraded to "Spam." Any account that tries to link to our blog is blocked from doing so. It's a shame.

The same thing is happening to David Rice. Local groups are not courageous enough to allow his article, "The Truth about Rep. Jamie Gragg" to be published. In Christian terms, they are pleasers of men. They have not the courage of their convictions. Are they not as committed to free speech as their forefathers?

We live in a world where British citizens are being jailed for social media posts that merely question the out-of-control immigration to their country. Do our local chitchat groups think this kind of Orwellian censorship and persecution is not headed here? Is it not already here, both with government and big tech censorship, and the craven self-censorship of local social media accounts?

After reading David's article, perhaps readers might reflect on what they look for in a politician. How should our elected officials behave when they get some bad press? What do you expect from them? How should they react when they are held to account for a bad vote or behavior? And who is to hold them to account, since the "press" is no longer functioning in its proper role?

Click through and read David's article. He's being censored. Share it around. And be damned glad there's a few voices out there willing to speak up.

The Truth about Rep. Jamie Gragg by David Rice

I was asked to assassinate the character of a fellow journalist who spoke out against a bill Gragg supported. I looked into the bill. It was unconstituional. When I said so, he turned on me.

Read on Substack

Sunday, August 18, 2024

A Technocracy to Destroy Your Children

Cross posted from David Rice's Hick Christian. Click on the link for the podcast.

Amendment 3 will create a Constitutional Technocracy to Destroy Your Children by David Rice

If Amendment 3 passes, your unborn and born children will become grist for the technocratic cult of billionaires to enrich themselves as they work to castrate and cannibalize your children.

Read on Substack

"It’s hard to imagine that what we’re witnessing is an organized technological, religious cult with eugenicist underpinnings. The single most important contribution to Hilter being able to continue his holocaust against the Jews in Nazi Germany, is that people could not, would not, allow themselves to believe it was happening. It was too terrifying." from Jennifer Bilek.

If Amendment 3 passes on November 6th, it will essentially turn Christians, Parents, and other Faith Groups into outlaws in Missouri. If we, or you, oppose or stand in the way of a child’s “reproductive freedom” to transition to another sex or if we oppose a child being aborted at any stage of development, we will be criminalized for violating their constitutional right.

Amendment 3 is a Lie (Vote No)

Amendment 3 is a smokescreen for the implementation of the transgender agenda on Missouri’s children and could threaten parental rights. 

• Amendment 3 would repeal the SAFE ACT passed in 2023. According to the Liberty Counsel’s Statement of Leaders Opposing Missouri’s So-Called “Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative,” states “While the text cleverly focuses on pregnancy and abortion, the creation of a broad right toreproductive health care” expanded with the “but not limited to” text enables an interpretation thatreproductive health care” includes the right of a person to modify, eliminate or change their reproductive system. Moreover, since the language does not specifically protect the parent-child relationship, the left will continue to argue that the state must counsel, enable, and facilitate children to surgically, hormonally, or otherwise irreversibly mutilate themselves, against parental consent, under the guise of reproductive health and so-called “gender-affirming care.”

• Amendment 3 could repeal the Missouri Save Women’s Sports Act. According to Section 6, “The Government shall not discriminate against persons providing or obtaining reproductive health care or assisting another person in doing so.” According to the Liberty Counsel, “This so-called “anti-discrimination” provision could be applied to allow biological males “obtaining reproductive health care” a legal right to demand access to girls’ and women’s activities and spaces.

• Amendment 3 could give the state the authority to remove children from parents who object to their children receiving “gender-affirming” surgeries and/or medical treatment. According to the Liberty Counsel, Section 6 could create “A state-sponsored “right” that can be used by bureaucrats to mislead and kidnap children to irreversibly mutilate and forcibly sterilize their reproductive systems against parental consent.”

Amendment 3 Attack on Unborn Children and Women’s Health

• Section 2 would repeal Missouri State Statute 188.026, Missouri Stands for the Unborn Act, “Missouri Heartbeat Law,” and allow full-term and partial-birth abortion up to the moment of birth. 

• Section 4 would allow abortions for physical or mental health reasons for all nine months. 

• Section 5 would eliminate abortions that are required to be conducted by licensed physicians. This would allow unlicensed “Medical” professionals to perform an abortion in an unlicensed medical facility. 

Amendment 3 Attack on Parental Rights and Taxpayers

• Section 3 would eliminate parental consent of minors from receiving an abortion. “Any denial, interference, delay, or restriction of the right to reproductive freedom shall be presumed invalid.”

• Section 3 would repeal HB 2634 and force taxpayers to fund abortions; HB 2634 was sponsored by Representative Cody Smith and passed in the 2024 legislative session. HB 2634 Section 188.207 states, “It shall be unlawful for any public funds to be expended to any abortion facility or any affiliate of such abortion facility.”  


The Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative” Petition

Certificate of Sufficiency” for the Ballot Initiative

2024 Ballot Measures” from the Missouri SOS


Pietism Definition from Defy Tyrants website.

“Now Pietism – which teaches that Christianity should be a purely private matter and that God’s law has no place in the governance of nations – always tells us that we are wasting our time when it comes to being involved in seeing that good laws are established in our nation. They mock it as mere ‘moralizing.’ They say we should just be involved in trying to save men’s souls – we should just preach the gospel. But what Pietism fails to understand is that good law – that which mirrors the law and justice of God – helps men see where they are wrong, where they have sinned against God, where they do need to repent.”

Shield Maidens of MO

“Ask yourself this: Why did MRL endorse Jay Ashcroft for Governor approximately a year ago BEFORE the race for Governor even heated up when he has NEVER taken ANY vote for the LIFE issue? He does not have a proven record. He has nothing for voters to see. So, how does MRL know how Ashcroft will vote when pressed when he has never taken a vote unlike Senator Bill Eigel who has 8 full years of votes that are on record? Mike Kehoe has a full slate of documented votes from when he was a sitting senator for the life issue that are less than impressive. Kehoe’s position on abortion is weak, unlike Eigel’s based on live debates we have watched for 8 years and all of the votes he has taken.”

Watch the video here.

Abolish Abortion Missouri

My interviews with Dr. Wes Scroggins can be found here and here.

What are the Churches doing?

Sadly, in my research, not enough details were provided. The Missouri Baptist Convention and the Springfield-Cape Girardeau Catholic Diocese provided the most details. Yet, many churches are worried that they will lose members if they preach this from the pulpit or lectern.

Can they afford to lose members in a climate of scarce money? Many pastors, priests, elders, and deacons are asking the wrong question.

In a culture that is turning against children and moving openly and gleefully toward child sacrifice, can they stay silent and not fear the judgment of God?

Washington University Plans for Unborn Children

Your Local Podcasters and Authors’ Bios

Gretchen Garrity is a former journalist who has written boldly for years. She is a brave Christian conservative, but she’s most proud of being a grandmother.

David Rice writes about three issues in this order: Christ, the Constitution, and Conservative issues. He is a father and husband and has been redeemed at a cost he could not pay.