Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Sometimes you just have to laugh



When making a Sunshine Law request, one of the expectations is that the information will be shared with the public in “usable electronic formats.” Here are the results of one request that was made to the Christian County Library. The scrolling went on for seven minutes, and that was just half of one file (of 60+ files). There’s the letter of the law, and then the spirit of the law. Happy warriors fight on!

“Public governmental bodies are strongly encouraged to make information available in usable electronic formats, and requests that records be provided in a particular format must be honored if the public governmental body is able to produce the record in the format requested.”

There is a list of recent Sunshine requests in the sidebar to the right. They will soon be available to view as well. You may be able to view them. Reading some of them is another thing. :-)

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