Wednesday, November 29, 2023

M.E.R.R.I. and Bright at the Library


Right to Win Ozarks has produced an online resource for citizens who want more information about the issues in our local libraries. It includes background information, resources, and positive steps for bringing change to our library system. 

It would be ideal to share with those who want to get up to speed, are perhaps just now beginning to question, or for those who are currently active in the fight to keep our libraries a safe and welcoming place for children. You can access Mobilizing Educational Resources to Resist Indoctrination (M.E.R.R.I.) here.

While not an exhaustive resource, the MERRI Book is designed to be an educational tool that allows anyone to access as little or as much information as they want. It is meant to be freely shared and we hope it proves to be a helpful aid.

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