Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Libraries are Pursuing Your Daughters

 David Rice of Hick Christian shares what our libraries are up to...as far as the continuous sexualization and demoralization of our culture. If only we could wake them up to what groups like the American Library Association and the Missouri Library Association are pushing.  The ALA and MLA are not organizations that promote actual reading skills, quality literature, and community cohesiveness. They push "literacy" in things like DEI, SEL, CRT, and so on. They push to divide us into siloed groups so they can further destroy the cohesiveness of our community's values.

The preponderance of books in many libraries are often recent fiction with little literary value. Librarians "weed" out classics that were published years ago. It deprives us our literary and cultural heritage, but that's the point.

Here you go:

Christian County Library is a threat to your Daughters by David Rice

Why Does the Christian County Library want to Empower your Daughters to be Murderers, Gay, or Overly Sexualized?

Read on Substack


  1. It's a bit misleading to claim that the library wants to empower women to be murders. Come on. With that logic, you would have to accuse the library of every act that is depicted in every book available. I think you often forget that the library is for everyone. This means that the library provides literature and information on many different topics. It takes no stance on any subject. There is no hidden agenda, as you have unsuccessfully tried to prove.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is an article by David Rice. I linked to it. My introduction to the article did not mention what you have accused me of.

    I know the library is "for everyone." However, that does not mean librarians should cater to and advocate for the indoctrination of our children into ways of thinking and acting that are contrary to community culture and values.

  4. Do you feel the same way as David does? Why do you put "for everyone" in quotes? It makes me think that you really don't believe it. Your actions certainly show that. None of you have proven that the library is indoctrinating anyone. This argument is so old and tired. It's odd that your people claim that all of this nonsense is to "protect children" however you don't anything that would ACTUALLY protect anyone. Why don't you sign up to be a foster parent, pay off school lunch debt, volunteer to be a big brother/sister, work at an afterschool program, donate to care to learn....There are so, so many other great organizations and programs, even right here in Christian county that you could become a part of and do some real good.

  5. Is the library for child molesters? That's why I put "for everyone" in quotes. Surely you agree that some people should not frequent a library. In fact, in the library's handbook, the staff reserves the right to remove certain adults from the children's section. You would like to make the argument about semantics so you don't have to grapple with the reality of indoctrination. Just asserting the library isn't indoctrinating children does not make it true. Ask anyone who has ever been deeply affected, for good or bad, by a book. Ideas have consequences, as most folks understand.

    And, you have no idea of what I have done, and currently do, to serve my community.

  6. I'm very well aware of what indoctrination is. I've been fighting against it ever since I experienced it in church and in an abusive marriage. Just asserting that the library IS indoctrinating children does not make it true. If you are making this accusation, it's on you to prove it. I have spoken with many people who have been deeply affected by a book. I, myself, have been affected by many of the thousands of books I've read in my lifetime. Ideas gained from a book are not indoctrination. Ideas do not have consequences, actions do though! I'm sorry, but you still haven't proven indoctrination. You are still free to use or not use the library however you see fit. The false argument that "it's not a safe place" is so ridiculous. Where are all these children that the library has done such terrible damage to? Can you name them? Do you have statistics to directly link damaged children back to them seeing a book on a shelf? Please, just stop trying to push your religious values onto everyone else. The PUBLIC library is no place for them.

  7. You are certainly entitled to your opinion.
