Monday, June 10, 2024

Primaries Matter


Hick Christian Interviews Linda Rantz

David Rice of Hick Christian interviews Linda Rantz who teams with Cause of America. Rantz has been an indefatigable supporter of hand counting, and her Missouri Method eManual--Return to Hand Counting is a wonderful tool to learn about how to hand count. And you can find Missouri voting issues HERE at a list COA keeps updated. The latest is May 2024.

Just to let you know, our local Republican central committees could use this training.

The Importance of Hand Counting Ballot Training by David Rice

Linda Rantz, of Cause of America (Mike Lindell's Election Accountability organization) spoke with me about the accuracy of Hand Counting, the problems with Machine Counting, and Election Myths

Read on Substack
Rantz will be in Cass County tonight:

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Missouri Freedom Initiative Livestream at 7:30 p.m.


 According to Patrick Holland, the MFI's live stream tonight will include "special guest, David Rice. David is a conservative writer, journalist, grant writer, freelancer, and playwright. He writes about many different topics that draw his interests. David is focused on exposing Marxism and all of its lies. We’ll discuss the uniparty in Missouri and the PAC money that flows to “Republican” politicians that is intended to allow for research on aborted embryos and fetuses and how that ties into SJR74 and the ballot initiative process. We’ll be live on the usual platforms. Twitter (X), Rumble, Odysee and You Tube."

Also, Patrick shares that "Operation D" is a thing, and the August primaries are vital to our state. Lots more, too. To sign up for MFI's weekly email, go here:


Thursday, June 6, 2024

War on the Grassroots

 Cross posted from Hick Christian:

War on the Grassroots by David Rice

Rulesfare: The Establishment's Desperate Bid to Invalidate Trump's Grassroots Delegates

Read on Substack

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Monday, June 3, 2024

Privatizing Public Schools

Pam Buttram is a retired lawyer who took a hard look at the 2021 bill passed into law (HB349 and SB86) named the Missouri Scholarship Accounts Program, or MOScholars for short. What she found was the bill laid the foundation for the privatization of public schools, which has now been furthered by the "school choice" bill, SB727, that was passed in the 2024 legislative session and signed into law by Gov. Parson.

Who benefits? Not the taxpayers, not the students. Pam does a great job of breaking down the intricacies of the situation and who really benefits. David Rice has added links at the end of the article, as well as a transcript.

Listen in:

SB727 Threatens Public Schools & Children--It Privatizes Public Money and Accountability by David Rice

Pam Buttram, a former tax lawyer, walked Gretchen Garrity and me, David Rice, through the new funds and fees created by SB727. She showed millions will sit in accounts, letting a trickle go to kids.

Read on Substack

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Missouri Freedom Initiative Livestream at 7:30 p.m.

 Tonight's livestream includes the admonition from Patrick Holland that "Americans MUST focus on their own backyards rather than be distracted by the media and things they cannot change. Investigate your LOCAL and STATE candidates BEFORE the primaries."

Friday, May 31, 2024

Even the Politicians are Joining in on the Censorship

Politicians who seek to censor individuals or the free exchange of information and ideas are not the kind of people you want in office.

Censorship Betrays Weakness




By Gretchen Garrity

Very early this morning, my blog post titled "Stealth Groomer Books in the Library" was removed by The post was flagged. Perhaps it was the word "groomer" or "gentle grooming" that Blogger objected to. Perhaps it was the American Library Association or one of its minions who complained. Perhaps it was Christian County library staff. Perhaps it was the authors of the two books I featured, or the folks at the COOLcat catalog.


Whoever was behind the censorship betrayed a great weakness. They cannot fight the truth, so they must suppress it. Exposing books that harm children is considered Hate Speech. And yet, here is Blogger's guidelines on content that is harmful to children:

"More broadly, Google prohibits the use of our products to endanger children. This includes but is not limited to predatory behavior towards children such as:

  • ‘Child grooming’ (for example, befriending a child online to facilitate, either online or offline, sexual contact and/or exchanging sexual imagery with that child);
  • ‘Sextortion’ (for example, threatening or blackmailing a child by using real or alleged access to a child’s intimate images);
  • Sexualization of a minor (for example, imagery that depicts, encourages or promotes the sexual abuse of children or the portrayal of children in a manner that could result in the sexual exploitation of children); and
  • Trafficking of a child (for example, advertising or solicitation of a child for commercial sexual exploitation)."

 How does that square with Blogger's hate speech policy here:

"Hate speech is content that promotes or condones violence against or has the primary purpose of inciting hatred against an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or any other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization."

My article objected to the sexualization of children through books that push the LGBTQ agenda and are marketed to minors. Blogger is speaking out of both sides of its content policy.


But I have a mustard seed, and I know how to use it. 

This post will be cross-posted at Hick Christian. Also, it is likely that Right to Win Ozarks will be deleted. However, we have contingency plans and you will be able to find us again soon if the blog is deleted.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Benevolent Missouri Dictator Aligns with the WHO

"These outside forces use our political structure, corrupting our political leaders to destroy our economy and take away our natural rights." -- David Rice

This is an important article (which is getting attention outside Christian County) that tells the story of how Gov. Parson is allowing a One Health laboratory to be built in Missouri. Horrors will emerge from this lab eventually.

(1 of 1) 

 Rice spares no feelings, nor should he:

"Our benevolent and wise dictator Parson and his supermajority Republican politburo have decided that we’re not worth protecting. Parson already demonstrated his lack of care throughout his administration, and every voter who said, “He’s a nice guy. We shouldn’t criticize one of our own,” might as well have been wearing a Red Flag on their lapel."

Republicans in Missouri must wake up now. Read the ARTICLE. Then pay attention to who is running for governor in the August primaries. Another swamp creature will be catastrophic.