Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Title IX Should Alarm Parents of School-age Children

From: Independent Women's Network


By Gretchen Garrity

There has been a lot of media noise about the new Title IX regulations put in place by the Biden-Harris administration. The new regulations, passed in April 2024 and implemented on August 1, 2024 redefine “sex.” No longer does “sex” mean one’s biological reality—male or female—but now can be as vaporous as gender identity, of which the making of new gender identities there is no end.

Title IX was originally implemented to ensure that “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

It protected women from being discriminated against in sports—which is how most people understand Title IX. However, it has always included any education activity or program that receives federal dollars. And there’s the rub. Title IX has been expanded dramatically. 

 In this article “Biden’s Title IX Rule Guarantees Discrimination, Censorship, And The End Of Parents’ Rights,” Ginny Gentles, director of the Education Freedom Center at the Independent Women’s Forum, exposes just what can and will happen as the new Title IX regulations are implemented. She writes, “When Biden’s Title IX rule takes effect on Aug. 1, using the “wrong” (e.g., biologically accurate) pronouns will be considered “sex-based harassment” and a federal civil rights violation worthy of investigation and discipline.”

Further, she states, “Under the new Title IX regime, school districts likely will assume that policies that hide emotionally vulnerable children’s gender confusion from parents, already in place in thousands of schools around the country, are now federally required. Under these parental-exclusion policies, when a child decides to embrace a new name, identity, and set of pronouns, school staff swiftly craft “gender support plans” that codify the child’s new identity and determine the bathrooms, locker rooms, and sleeping arrangements for overnight trips the child will use. The child determines if school staff should actively hide the new name and identity from the parents, uniting the entire school community against the parents...”

Not only will students and school staff be under the gun if they happen to “misgender” a student, but the new rules assert their requirements can “override any conflicting FERPA provisions.” This means that parents will no longer have the right to have access to their children’s education records if Title IX is invoked for their child.


The radical nature of the new Title IX requirements prompted numerous states and groups to file suit against the Biden-Harris administration. Injunctions against the new rules have been in place in 26 states thus far. See the map above (link to interactive map HERE). Missouri is included, so the new Title IX rules have not been implemented, unless your local school district has seen fit to do so. Parents and staff have a right to insist the new rule is NOT implemented until and if the legal battle is resolved.

Additionally, it is vitally important that parents be in touch with their school boards to let them know that implementation of the new Title IX rules is unacceptable. 


Christina Tonsing, a member of the Ozark School Board, has been closely watching the battle over Title IX and its implementation. Wanting to get ahead of the ramifications, she has lately been active in working with the board members and administration to address the issue.

Tonsing has written an article published on her website that lets the public know what is happening with the Ozark School District and Title IX implementation.

She writes: "The Ozark School District does not have a policy (that I could find) limiting the use of bathrooms or locker rooms to those of the sex discovered at birth. Similarly, I could find no policy protecting employees’ rights to use pronouns aligned with the sex discovered at birth. (There have been court cases prohibiting requirements to do otherwise, yet the new Title IX regulations would have required them; see https://www.thefire.org/research-learn/pronouns-free-speech-and-first-amendment for more information on that.)  One of the last contentious changes in the 2024 Title IX revisions involved the distinction for participation in sports — which has thankfully already been clearly defined by Missouri’s “Save Women’s Sports Act” championed for years by our own Senator Mike Moon and finally passed and signed in 2023.  I believe the Ozark Board can and should at least briefly address at least those first two topics, however, with a uniform, principled policy now rather than being pressured to offer an appeasement later."

Further, Tonsing requests the issue be brought before the School Board at its August 29 meeting:

"I believe now is the best time to make that statement because the Board can lay the groundwork to make clear the District’s position before there are any contentions on it.  Therefore, I requested an agenda item allowing for discussion of the Title IX expansion be added to the next meeting agenda."

Go HERE to read her article and a proposed statement regarding Title IX.

The Libraries are Pursuing Your Daughters

 David Rice of Hick Christian shares what our libraries are up to...as far as the continuous sexualization and demoralization of our culture. If only we could wake them up to what groups like the American Library Association and the Missouri Library Association are pushing.  The ALA and MLA are not organizations that promote actual reading skills, quality literature, and community cohesiveness. They push "literacy" in things like DEI, SEL, CRT, and so on. They push to divide us into siloed groups so they can further destroy the cohesiveness of our community's values.

The preponderance of books in many libraries are often recent fiction with little literary value. Librarians "weed" out classics that were published years ago. It deprives us our literary and cultural heritage, but that's the point.

Here you go:

Christian County Library is a threat to your Daughters by David Rice

Why Does the Christian County Library want to Empower your Daughters to be Murderers, Gay, or Overly Sexualized?

Read on Substack

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Missouri Freedom Initiative Livestream at 7:30 p.m.

 The MFI will be doing a postmortem on the Missouri Primary. Lots to talk about. Patrick Holland gives us a taste:

"One of the most interesting aspects of this gubernatorial race were the polls that were released. Now that the election is over, it’s very clear that most of the polling was wrong. Many intelligent people I know actually believed these polls were accurate and some even tried to explain to me how and why the polls were accurate even though it was not reflective of campaign activity. We saw the same deception in 2016. In 2016, the national polls showed Hillary was the favored presidential candidate ALL the way to the actual election, yet Trump won. Many folks back then were scratching their heads wondering how the polls could be so wrong. It’s easy to understand. Polls can be EASILY manipulated – for the sole purpose of manipulating people who watch polls. Who put out these polls? What were the questions asked in the polls? Who paid for the polls? How many people were polled? We’re the people polled even Republican? Very few people asked the questions, many blindly believed. Some folks fall for the manipulated polls EVERY TIME. Why is this important? Because attitudes, activity and strategy changes because of polls. This was the largest part of the deception in the Missouri gubernatorial race. As early as 1 month ago, it was well known by the Kehoe camp that Eigel was literally neck and neck with Kehoe and Ashcroft was a distant 3rd. This knowledge came about through a poll that was paid for by the Missouri Chamber of Commerce that was never publicly released. It wasn’t released because the Chamber was all in for Mike Kehoe and this poll showed that Eigel was MUCH further ahead than the fraudulent polls that had been released on a regular basis before it actually showed. What changed after this poll was conducted? Kehoe dropped all his attacks on Ashcroft and re-directed his attacks and millions of dollars on Eigel and he had PLENTY of help from other PACs and politicians because this was really about keeping an anti-establishment candidate out of the governor’s office. Plans within plans for carving up Missouri’s resources for the WEF were at stake, and the establishment couldn’t gamble with the possibility Kehoe could lose. Kehoe is instrumental to the WEFs plans in Missouri. This is not conspiracy theory, this will become clear as people begin to see 2025 legislation regarding Missouri resources. We saw it in 2024 as well and thankfully, grassroots were on top of this (Lisa Pannette and Isaac) as well as conservative legislators (Bill Eigel, Mike Moon…etc) helped to shut down these bills."

Besides Youtube, you can find the livestream on X (Twitter), Rumble, and Odysee.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Missouri Liberty Radio tonight at 6 p.m. -- The USS Liberty

 Off the Cuff with Sam Britton

Sam Britton's guests tonight will discuss the incident with the USS Liberty that happened in 1967. Listen live HERE. Both guests survived the attack on a US ship by Israel. Don't let this be memory-holed. Go HERE for more information. A tidbit:

"ON JUNE 8, 1967, while patrolling in international waters in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, USS Liberty (AGTR-5) was savagely attacked without warning or justification by air and naval forces of the state of Israel. Of a crew of 294 officers and men (including three civilians), the ship suffered thirty four (34) killed in action and one hundred seventy three (173) wounded in action. The ship itself, a Forty Million ($40,000,000) Dollar state of the art signals intelligence (SIGINT) platform, was so badly damaged that it never sailed on an operational mission again and was sold in 1970 for $101,666.66 as scrap."

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Friday, August 2, 2024

How Things Really Work


By Gretchen Garrity

Don't think the RINO Establishment is only on the state or federal levels. It's firmly entrenched in your local Republican party, too. Local party leaders enjoy their status, part of which includes selecting candidates for the voters.

How does this work? The Missouri GOP is a private organization. While its members include Republicans elected to public office, it nevertheless is not held to transparency standards like our elected representatives in their official capacity. For instance, citizens have no intrinsic right to expect Sunshine requests to the state or local GOP because they are private organizations.

What you see on their websites and in their communications is what they want you to see. If you want an idea of what goes on, you need to attend their meetings, get to know the individuals involved, and watch how the sausage is made. And even then you won't know everything simply because you are dealing with groups of people who have friendships, alliances, etc.

Image: Wayfair

Grassroots individuals and groups across the nation have been running into the comfortably-rooted apparatus on local levels that resent the upsetting of their apple cart. The Establishment has their ways, their people, and their views. And they aren't going to share power if they have anything to say about it. They know better than you. Because.

Additionally, the Jefferson City gang includes various state level elected officials as well as their ball-and-chains--the lobbyist cabal. These work the local organizations and people quite smoothly.

Sure they agree with some things the grassroots activists are firm about. They've given up on opposing President Trump (at least openly). They pay lip service to conservative causes like Initiative Petition Reform, Abortion, Tax Reform, local school control and so on. Some of them even care about those things.

However, when push comes to shove, like a secret society, they protect their own, and often fail to live up to their expressed convictions. 

Case in point: some in the Christian County Republican Central Committee had been involved in efforts to thwart wins that grassroots workers across the state fought for, namely the duly-elected delegates and other officers to the RNC. Not to rehash the events leading up to the attempted coup of the State GOP Convention by establishment individuals, but it was several members of the CCRCC who were involved.

These individuals were instrumental in Towgate (info HERE and HERE and HERE), the quashing of the 2024 platform, and later challenging the slate of delegates that Missourians across the state had voted for. Yes, some in our Christian County political apparatus were hard at work to overturn the will of the people in order to reward their friends.

And what has happened since they were exposed? Were they rebuked? Did they resign? Did they apologize? Is there no explanation on the CCRCC website for what happened? Nothing.

This is how the local machine works. And if you go against them, they do all they can to squash you. Instead of reflecting on their behavior, on the larger goal of saving our state and helping Missourians live better lives, they circle the wagons in order to keep their control grid functioning.

Not everyone in the CCRCC has this issue. Many are honest folks who are also frustrated. But, if the leadership of the CCRCC does not hold members accountable for their actions they sure as heck aren't going to go to bat for citizens in any meaningful way--unless it's no skin off their noses.

There has been particular intra-party fighting about the governor candidates--Bill Eigel and John Ashcroft. Few people in Christian County are Mike Kehoe fans so the race down here is Eigel versus Ashcroft.

The establishment Republicans are firmly in Sec. Ashcroft's corner, and they resent any positive news about state Sen. Bill Eigel, or any negative information about Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft. In fact, an app called Team Reach, which is for active citizens to share information and post events, has as an administrator Mrs. Sandy Karnes, one of the people involved in Towgate. And her husband, Jack, attached his name to the Derrick Good challenge against the grassroots slate. That challenge was defeated because the evidence proved the challenge had no merit.

Last evening, Mrs. Karnes saw fit to delete my Team Reach post of the article regarding alleged lawfare on the part of the SOS's Office. It was posted below a pro-Ashcroft flyer Karnes had posted. Is the cardinal rule in the primary season that candidates supported by the Establishment shall have no open opposition? Are the issues addressed in the article not to be given an airing because we have to be respectful of others' choices? Karnes has apparently posted on Facebook about the situation, although she is careful not to name names. Why? Name names. Let us dialog and see who is lying and who is telling the truth.

That our Secretary of State's Office has had troubling interactions with dedicated grassroots patriots over election integrity, is a real issue that should be grappled with in order to determine the best candidate for Missouri Governor.

And Karnes is not alone in her "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil" attitude. The local Establishment has circled the wagons. Incidentally, both Sandy and her husband Jack are again candidates for committee man and woman. See all the candidates here.

The Establishment dictum is thus: We are a Team, as long as you think like us.

Instead of having the guts to face the opposition, Karnes took the easy way out and censored my post and then admonished me to be respectful. Here is Karnes being "respectful" to an Eigel campaign worker not too long ago at an Independence Day parade. Notice the campaign worker simply continued on his way. He didn't attempt to stop her. Why? I think it's because he believes in his candidate, Sen. Bill Eigel. 

When the tables were turned, and Mrs. Karnes was "handing out" an Ashcroft flyer on Team Reach, she didn't behave as the Eigel campaign worker when someone came along behind her. She didn't just move on. She actively censored important information pertaining to the race for governor. Truth was not as important as Team Establishment. If the document in question was erroneous, Karnes has the opportunity to refute it. She knows she can't refute it so she attempted to squash it.